A Time for Choosing: The Next Generation–National Security

A Time for Choosing: The Next Generation–National Security

Next Monday, October 27 marks the 50th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s iconic “Time For Choosing” speech.  It was a speech that sparked the modern Conservative Movement, ignited a fire in the hearts of conservatives, and launched Ronald Reagan’s public policy career.

This week as part of a year-long “Time for Choosing: The Next Generation” initiative, Young America’s Foundation is releasing a series of videos in conjunction with the anniversary of this significant speech.  The first video focuses on national security

Reagan’s “Time For Choosing” speech urged courage in defending against the threat of communism.  Reagan was a strong believer in American exceptionalism, a notion that has gone by the wayside under the current administration.  Consider the current state of affairs with the rise of ISIS and the growing threat of terrorism.  Ronald Reagan advocated for “peace through strength” and was a true leader when it came to protecting America from her enemies.  

He said, “We want our national policy to be based on what we know in our hearts is morally right.”  We need to reestablish President Reagan’s vision for America, and we need to stop leading from behind. 

Even 50 years later, the lessons that Ronald Reagan taught us are still so very applicable. 

Ashley Pratte is the spokeswoman for Young America’s Foundation


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