Cruz: ‘Alarmist’ Jerry Brown Doesn’t Want to Confront Data that Undercuts Global Warming Narrative

Brown-vs.-Cruz (Breitbart news wires)
Breitbart news wires

On Breitbart News Sunday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) as a global warming “alarmist” who does not want to confront scientific data that undercuts his preferred narrative.

Brown had earlier declared that Cruz was “unfit” to run for office for not blindly accepting the theory of global warming as an undisputed fact.

On Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” Brown said that Cruz was “absolutely unfit” to be running for office simply because Cruz challenged late night host Seth Myers’s claim that 2014 had been the “hottest year on record.” Cruz simply pointed out the inconvenient truth that the science does not support the claims being made by global warming alarmists. And as Breitbart News noted, Myers’s “hottest year on record” claim only has a 38 percent probability.

Cruz said that if Brown wanted to hurt him politically, Brown would appear on television and praise him. The Texas Senator, who is expected to announce his presidential bid on Monday, pointed out that the governor who earned the nickname “Moonbeam” before Cruz was even alive engaged in an ad hominem attack and did not refute any of the facts that Cruz cited. He said that the simple point he made that outraged Brown was that “we should follow the science and the data and the evidence” and should not be governed by “alarmism” or “hysteria” regarding climate change issues. Cruz emphasized that the science shows there has been no meaningful warming during the last 17 years.

He said alarmists like Brown “ridicule and insult anyone who actually looks at the real data” instead of engaging in a meaningful debate or discussion because “they don’t want to confront the data” that undercuts their narrative. Cruz said that though “apocalyptical computer models said that we would see substantial warming,” the “problem is that the satellites that are actually measuring the temperature show that that isn’t happening.”


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