Sam Sorbo: What’s It All About, Socialized Healthcare?

Alfie Evans with his parents
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Is it just for a moment we are allowed to live?

The horror the world witnessed last week with the mistreatment and ultimate death of toddler Alfie Evans was not simply the culmination of a flawed socialized system at work. Government predictably considers individuals as expendable.

As I pointed out on Breitbart News Tonight on SiriusXM last Friday, the reason that the government judicial system and state-run healthcare could not allow even the papal hospital to treat the suffering child was not because they believed another medical team might also fail. No. A different hospital might succeed where the British system had already proven themselves disastrously incompetent.

After all, the British doctors assured us that once the ventilator was removed, Alfie would expire in a matter of minutes. Alfie defied both doctors’ orders and judicial decree by continuing to live for five more days. The audacity!

Last Friday on air, I told the story of the TV show, JAG, which debuted first on NBC for a season. NBC wasn’t thrilled with the show and dumped it. At that point, the legendary producer Donald P. Bellisario brought the show to CBS, where it thrived for nine more years. There was a good deal of egg on NBC’s face, which spawned Hollywood’s Moonves rule: Make sure to kill it, or someone else might make a success of what you deemed a failure, and you’ll look like an idiot.

Doctors typically resent looking foolish.

I’m not being flip. I’m furious. Think about it for a moment. It wasn’t a judge’s or a doctor’s hubris that kept Alfie from a full life. It wasn’t that British authorities were afraid that Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome might succeed where they failed. On the contrary, they must have been certain the Italian hospital would save Alfie. Otherwise, they clearly would have allowed the child to leave the country, and happily placed the blame for his death at someone else’s feet. But instead, they posted armed guards outside Alfie’s hospital room doors, to prevent the child from being rescued. Because his existence would have challenged their arrogant, uninformed, incorrect prognostications. His living would have brought down the entire Ponzi scheme that is “socialized healthcare.”

The state versus the individual… who is a toddler.

But not only just a toddler, for those of you playing at home. The NHS diagnosed Alfie with a life-threatening condition of death, something we all suffer from – eventually.

The lesson is that a one-payer health system incentivizes NOT to treat patients. After all, each patient costs money, and where’s the profit in that? See Liverpool Care Pathway (an end-of-life food and water deprivation “treatment”) for more information. Sure, they tell us it has been discontinued, but can we really believe them?

All evidence to the contrary. In fact, let’s call socialized medicine by its real name, now that the evidence is in: “deathcare.”

More disconcerting still is that essentially the judicial system condemned little Alfie, instead of the medical community. Justice Moylan ruled, “As has been determined with considerable clarity in this case, Alfie’s best interests are determinative and the court has decided what treatment he should or should not receive.” (Emphasis added.) Translation: Alfie’s best interests (i.e. Alfie’s death) aligns precisely with those of the medical community at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and judges are now serving as medical experts.

Justice Moylan said of Alfie’s parents, “Their views and rights do not take precedence and do not give them the choice to make the decisions regarding Alfie.” He continued, it is “wrong to say that the parents’ own views can trump that judicial determination.”

Newsflash, for anyone who believes in “My body, my choice.” Your days are numbered.

The irony is that the pro-choice movement won’t shed a tear for Alfie, because abortion proponents have always been more about death, and less about rights, anyway. And Alfie was just a very late-term abortion, after all. But they might want to try out the new slogan, “My body, Judge’s choice,” just to familiarize themselves.

It must be asked, where was the Queen or the Pope in all of this? Wouldn’t it have been spectacular if The Vicar of Jesus Christ had flown to England, marched into Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and rescued the boy, carrying him out, like in a Clint Eastwood film? And he’d be muttering something like, “Go ahead, punk. Make my day,” in Latin, of course.

Maybe true moral conviction really only exists in the movies. And in songs like “What’s It All About, Alfie?” Seems we’ve got our answer: it’s about money, pride, and governmental power.

And the “wisdom” in being cruel.

Sam Sorbo is the author of They’re YOUR Kids: An Inspirational Journey from Self-Doubter to Home School Advocate, and producer/writer/actress in Let There Be Light.  Share the Light, by Sam and husband Kevin, is their companion devotional for the film. The Sorbos home educate their three children.


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