WATCH: Shia LaBeouf Finally Makes Some Performance Art Worth Watching


Shia LaBeouf may have finally made some performance art worth checking out.

The actor, who recently streamed his heartbeat online for a week, stars in a video series called #Introductions, a series of 36 short video clips created in collaboration with his #IAMSORRY collaborators Nastja Sade Ronkko, Luke Turner, and the Fine Art BA graduates at London’s Central Saint Martins.

With #Introductions, LaBeouf asked each student to submit a short piece of text that the actor would recite in front of a green screen. The students could put anything they wanted in the background, and each short clip would be shown to introduce each graduate’s end-of-year work.

One of the short segments is this fiery motivational speech that sees the actor yelling, flexing and shouting “Just do it!”

“Don’t let your dreams be dreams,” LaBeouf pleads, wildly gesticulating in front of the green screen. “Yesterday, you said ‘tomorrow,’ so just do it! Make your dreams come true!”

Naturally, the clip has since blown up, garnering about 1.2 million views on YouTube at the time of this post.

But where it gets really great is that, as the Daily Dot points out, the clip has already become a video meme.

Here’s LaBeouf delivering his rousing speech to the Avengers right in the middle of their climactic battle with Loki’s Chitauri:

Here’s the same LaBeouf delivering a TED Talk:

And, of course, “Shia LaBeouf Sponsors Nike:”

Great performance art encourages audience interaction. In that sense, LaBeouf’s latest work is probably his most successful to date. Below, check out the full #Introductions video including all 36 short clips:

#INTRODUCTIONS from Rönkkö / Turner on Vimeo.



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