2015 Values Voter Summit

Evangelical Activists Support Cruz and Carson; Voters Also Like Trump, But ‘Insiders’ Back Rubio

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is celebrating a victory in the straw poll at the Values Voters Summit, the third consecutive year he’s led that field. Cruz pocketed 35 percent of the vote, almost doubling second place Dr. Ben Carson’s 18 percent. Mike Huckabee placed third with 14 percent, Marco Rubio fourth with 13 percent, and Donald Trump rounded at the top five at 5 percent.

Ted Cruz Values Voter Summit Jose Luis MaganaAP

‘Breitbart News Sunday’ on SXM 125: Down Goes Boehner

On Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 7PM to 10PM EST, guest-host Matthew Boyle will be discussing the most important news stories of the week. He will be discussing the 2016 presidential race, the resignation of House Speaker John Boehner, and will be interviewing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.


Watch: Donald Trump Addresses Values Voter Summit

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke Friday in Washington, DC at the Family Research Council’s 10th annual Values Voter Summit. In that address, Trump took on those who accused him of being thin-skinned, to which he argued that it was


Watch: Marco Rubio Addressees the 2015 Values Voter Summit

Republican presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)  spoke Friday in Washington, D.C. at the Family Research Council’s 10th annual Values Voter Summit. In that address, Rubio revealed one policy effort, which was to offer incentives for companies that provide paid

AP Photo/Molly Riley