Chinese government

CHINA: Coronavirus Could Spread Two Weeks Before Symptoms Show

A Chinese health official reports the Wuhan novel coronavirus could be contagious for up to two weeks before a patient becomes symptomatic. This means people who are not yet showing symptoms of coronavirus-related illness could be spreading the virus to other contacts.

People wearing face masks attend to a child in a stroller as they ride a subway train in B

Google Engineer: Company Blacklisted Dissident to Please Chinese Government

A Google software engineer revealed concerning details about the company’s efforts to please the government China before it launched its latest entry into the country — the censored Chinese search app “Project Dragonfly” — which allegedly included the company blacklisting Chinese dissidents from its buildings for fear of upsetting the Chinese government.

Google feels the future is in China

KFC Sues Chinese Companies for Saying Its Chickens Have 8 Legs

Kentucky Fried Chicken’s China division is striking back against rumors that it has genetically modified chickens to grow six wings and eight legs, filling a defamation suit against three Chinese companies as the Chinese government launches a campaign a to cleanse online “rumors, negativity and unruliness.”

KFC China (AFP / Getty)