Area of Border Patrol Agent's Murder Left Minimally Secured

Area of Border Patrol Agent's Murder Left Minimally Secured

SAN DIEGO, California–A simple fence is the only physical barrier between Mexico and the United States in the area where Border Patrol agent Robert Rosas, Jr. was brutally murdered by five illegal immigrants–the same unchanged fence that the illegals crossed to kill Agent Rosas over four years ago.

A ground sensor went off in a remote area in southern California, just feet from the U.S./Mexico border. Agent Rosas was dispatched alone to investigate the sensor alarm, as is commonplace for U.S. Border Patrol agents to do. This time was different: five illegal immigrants had developed a plan to steal the night-vision gear from a Border Patrol agent. Three jumped the simple fence between Mexico and the United States, while two others stayed on the Mexico side of the border and acted as lookouts. The three in the U.S. hid. When Agent Rosas walked up a bluff to investigate, they jumped him. He fought for his life, firing shots and hitting at least one of the illegal immigrants. They took his firearm and murdered him. Agent Rosas had been lured, trapped, and killed for his gear. One of the illegal immigrants involved had been on supervised release by U.S. authorities after he was caught acting as a coyote and smuggling human beings into the U.S. illegally.

The murder occurred on July 23, 2009. Breitbart News covered each prosecution as cooperation from Mexican authorities trickled the extraditions of the killers into the hands of U.S. justice.

This reporter visited the area recently with Shawn Moran, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, and discovered that the physical border security in the area remained unchanged. The same simple fence remained the only physical barrier stopping criminals from entering the U.S. at their whim. A lone Border Patrol agent sat in a vehicle nearby. There have been an increase in the number of Border Patrol agents in the region, but none were close enough to respond quickly if the same event occurred again.

Breitbart News provides our readers with video of the region and the memorial erected for slain Border Patrol agent Robert Rosas, Jr. Viewers will notice the remoteness of the area and the simple fence marking the boundary between the U.S. and Mexico. Viewers will get a glimpse of the pain and loss Agent Rosas widow and two children feel at the loss of their hero. The cross in the video marks the exact location of where Agent Rosas fought for his life and where his body was found.

Follow Brandon Darby on Twitter @BrandonDarby


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