Daniel J. Flynn

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Articles by Daniel J. Flynn

Study: St. Louis to Lose 1,000 Jobs After Minimum Wage Increase

“The true minimum wage rate is zero—the amount an unemployed person receives from his non-existent job,” Milton Friedman wrote in Newsweek 45 years ago. Two economists writing about the decision of St. Louis city fathers to boost its minimum wage come to a similar conclusion.

Amy Sancetta/AP

Flynn: Politics Killing Pop Culture’s Popularity

The Grammys featured a performer namedrop “President Agent Orange” and a presenter urging the audience to google a transgender teen. The made-for-television event lost one percent of its ratings over last year and four percent over 2015.


FLYNN: When Obama Blocked Cubans, the Sandwich Boards Molded Over

Remember earlier this month when Lili Tomlin compared America to Nazi Germany, Senator Chuck Schumer cried, and mobs chanted “No hate, no fear/Everyone is welcome here” at airports because the president blocked Cuban refugees from entering the country?

Scott Olson/Getty Images

Nat Hentoff Loved Jazz & Free Speech. His Readers Loved Him.

Nat Hentoff passed away Saturday night at 91 characteristically listening to Billie Holiday. That he didn’t die wearing a sandwich board or writing a letter to his congressman, but instead expired listening to jazz, tells you not only about Hentoff’s loves but about why so many loved him.

Nat Hentoff

Soviet Union’s Death on Christmas 25 Years Ago Proof of God’s Existence (& Sense of Humor)

If the gulag, forced starvation, and show trials soured you on the Soviet Union, then the atheist superstate vanishing Christmas from its calendars—like airbrushing a fallen commissar from Stalin’s side—likely added to your distaste. Nobody likes a Grinch, especially a jack-booted one stepping out of the pages of Dr. Zhivago and onto some Russian kid’s Christmas present.

Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, Moscow 1968