David N. Bossie - Page 4

Articles by David N. Bossie

Why America Is Strong

What a week. With the terrorist attack in Boston, the subsequent manhunt and arrest, and the tragedy in West, Texas where the death toll is still not clear, Americans have endured a trying past several days.  We are a strong

Why America Is Strong

Momentum for Benghazi Select Committee

There is only one certainty surrounding the terroristattack that occurred in Benghazi, Libya last September 11th: seven months later, the American people andthe families of the victims and wounded still do not know all the facts andspecifics that resulted in

Momentum for Benghazi Select Committee

Standing Strong for the Second Amendment

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul raised his public profile last month with his principled filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination for Director of Central Intelligence for a continuous 13.5 hours without a break. In a Democrat-controlled Senate that didn’t pass a budget in four

Standing Strong for the Second Amendment

Some Obvious Questions About the Lack of a Benghazi Probe

It has been 70 days since Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) introduced House Resolution 36 on January 18, 2013. If passed, this important resolution would create “a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate

Some Obvious Questions About the Lack of a Benghazi Probe

Standing Up for the Conservative Cause

I want to thank the 104 patriots of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) who courageously stood for their “Back to Basics” budget this week. By proposing sweeping entitlement reforms and by limiting Obamacare, the “Back to Basics” budget would have

Standing Up for the Conservative Cause

The Sad Truth About Immigration and the Sequester

Out of President Obama’s sequestration doomsday predictions, the one which best encapsulates what famed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward described as “madness” involves illegal immigration. And it is no laughing matter. As Fox News reported, a few hundred illegal immigrant

The Sad Truth About Immigration and the Sequester

Unmasking the Left With Andrew

It’s almost impossible for me to believe that it’s been a year since we lost Andrew Breitbart. He was a conservative leader, larger-than-life personality, a husband, a father of young children, and a dear friend of mine for over 15

Unmasking the Left With Andrew

Sequester: A Washington Shell Game

What we saw this week were the same old scare tactics by President Obama, using the power of his office to instill fear in the American public with regards to the sequester.  Standing in front of a group of first

Sequester: A Washington Shell Game

Trump, Levin Right About Rove

If you’re a donor or potential donor to Karl Rove’s group American Crossroads, I recommend you listen to Mark Levin’s recent interview with Donald Trump, because they disclosed some long overdue truths that needed to be said.  Trump and Levin made

Trump, Levin Right About Rove

Benghazi: Who Was Minding the Store?

The revelations that came out of the Senate Armed Services Committee this week in regards to the Benghazi attack will be a turning point in this investigation.   Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testified that he was not in contact with President

Benghazi: Who Was Minding the Store?

The Civil War Has Begun

When a person amasses too much power, they often believe they are indestructible.  What Karl Rove and company did last week in the New York Times, claiming that their new “Conservative Victory Project” would cure the ills of a disappointing

The Civil War Has Begun


What a week for an American economy that is supposed to be in a recovery. The Gross Domestic Product shrank for the first time in more than three years; the unemployment rate rose to an anemic 7.9 percent; and President


Select Committee Needed To Probe Benghazi Attacks

Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) is absolutely right and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s calculating congressional testimony this week confirms it: Congress must appoint a select committee to investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. Why did the Obama

Select Committee Needed To Probe Benghazi Attacks

I Second That Amendment

The Second Amendment is second to only one.  It is widely accepted that the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the most important amendment in our sacred Bill of Rights. I wholeheartedly agree. Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceful

I Second That Amendment

The Taxman in Chief

Nancy Pelosi was on CBS’ “Face the Nation” last weekend, preparing the battlefield for the upcoming fiscal fight. Like a solder following her Commander in Chief, Nancy Pelosi dutifully laid down a marker that Democrats in Congress want to raise

The Taxman in Chief

Now What, Mr. Speaker?

After what I am sure were a few tense minutes while his fellow members of the House of Representatives rendered judgment, John Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House earlier this week. Twelve fellow Republicans defected and either voted

Now What, Mr. Speaker?

A Conservative Victory — On Principle

In the month and a half since the November elections, the conservative movement has taken some not so subtle hits from those in the D.C. establishment. Well, after the show of force by principled conservatives in the U.S. House of

A Conservative Victory — On Principle

No Time to Cave

After a close election in which the seats of power remained the same, President Obama is trying to claim a mandate for tax hikes, increased spending, and executive power grabs. There is no such mandate.   His first offer in the

No Time to Cave

Over the Cliff We Go

President Obama is making a mockery of the seriousness of our spending and debt problems with his role in the fiscal cliff negotiations. There had been talk earlier in the week of a deal involving $1.2 trillion in tax increases

Over the Cliff We Go

Remembering the Troops This Thanksgiving

The holiday season kicks off with Thanksgiving, a day for Americans across the country to gather with family and friends to celebrate the things we are thankful for in our lives.  I hope everyone took some time to give thanks

Remembering the Troops This Thanksgiving

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Cabal

Last week I said my spine had stiffened after the unfortunate events of Election Day. Well, with Nancy Pelosi again assuming the role of Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, liberals will continue on a path to try to transform

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Cabal

My Spine Has Stiffened

The conservative movement took it pretty good on the chin earlier this week. President Obama and his liberal allies mobilized their vote and got it out very effectively in the key states. On Tuesday night, as I went to bed,

My Spine Has Stiffened

U.S. Senate Control: Reiding Between the Lines

With all eyes on focused on Governor Romney and President Obama and the toss-up race for the White House, there is another political unknown out there that is just as important. Control of the U.S. Senate hangs in the balance,

U.S. Senate Control: Reiding Between the Lines

Rape and Abortion: Lives Spared for a Purpose

With all the talk about rape and abortion by desperate liberals this election cycle, you wouldn’t think our economy’s in the tank and our Middle East policies are going up in flames. The question of abortion should be a moral

Rape and Abortion: Lives Spared for a Purpose

Big Election, Small Things

Another week, another mind-boggling meme from our Commander-in-Chief. This time, President Obama and his team are mocking Mitt Romney for using the phrase “women in binders” to describe how he launched a special effort to seek out the resumes of women to

Big Election, Small Things

No Joe-mentum

Coming out of Thursday’s one and only Vice Presidential debate, the one thing that remains perfectly clear is that Joe Biden did nothing to stop the Romney-Ryan momentum. “The Big Mo” for the Republican ticket began with a bang almost

No Joe-mentum

Job Growth — What Job Growth?

For the first time, the unemployment rate has dropped below 8 percent under Obama, but that is no victory to crow about. 7.8 percent unemployment is still unacceptable.  Remember, President Obama promised that with his stimulus, the unemployment rate would be

Job Growth — What Job Growth?

Foreign Policy About Respect and Strength, Not Hope and Change

With less than 40 days to go until the election, foreign policy has been the focus recently with the attacks on our embassies two weeks ago and the United Nations General Assembly taking place this week. The President’s handling of

Foreign Policy About Respect and Strength, Not Hope and Change

Important Week for Conservative Films

Stephen K. Bannon and I have had a whirlwind week, with the premieres of two of our latest films. On Tuesday night, The Hope and The Change made its television debut on HDNet Movies channel. The Hope and The Change will be

Important Week for Conservative Films

'Occupy Unmasked' In Select Theaters September 21st

Larry Solov of Breitbart News Network and I are proud to announce that Andrew Breitbart’s film “Occupy Unmasked” will be released in select AMC theaters on Friday, September 21st and on Video On Demand (VOD) on September 25th.  The theater markets

'Occupy Unmasked' In Select Theaters September 21st

If It's Hello 1980, It's Goodbye Obama

Is 2012 turning out to be another 1980? After seeing and hearing the Democrats at their convention in Charlotte, it’s almost becoming eerie at this point. The sad truth for Democrats is that little has changed in 32 years. There’s

If It's Hello 1980, It's Goodbye Obama

The Conversation Has Started

It has been little over a week since Stephen K. Bannon and I launched The Hope and The Change. The film, which consists of only Democrat and independent voters from seven swing states who voted for President Obama in 2008 has

The Conversation Has Started

'The Hope and The Change'

Friday night, Fox News’ Sean Hannity hosted an exclusive one hour special on our latest film “The Hope and The Change.” This documentary follows the surprising personal journeys of 40 Democrats and independents from across America who supported Obama in

'The Hope and The Change'

Biden's Ridiculous Rhetoric

Bumbling, stumbling, Joseph Robinette Biden is at it again. But instead of his typical goofy gaffe, this week brought one far more sinister. The Vice President of the United States was caught saying the Republican Party is “going to put

Biden's Ridiculous Rhetoric

Big News for 'Occupy Unmasked'

Big news for Citizens United Productions and Andrew Breitbart’s film Occupy Unmasked this week!  We just announced an all rights distribution deal with Magnet Releasing, the genre arm of Magnolia Pictures, owned by Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner. Magnet is

Big News for 'Occupy Unmasked'

Two Sides of the Chick-fil-A Debate

The Chick-fil-A debate stands as another microcosm of the differences between liberals and conservatives in our country. On one side, we saw people patiently and peacefully standing in line to show their support and patronize the Christian-owned restaurant; on the

Two Sides of the Chick-fil-A Debate

'Go Time' for Conservatives in Texas

This coming Tuesday will mark the culmination of one of the most watched, most expensive, and most important primary elections for U.S. Senate in recent memory. On July 31st, Republican voters in Texas will go to the polls to choose

'Go Time' for Conservatives in Texas

Political Correctness Hurts American Society

This week Representatives Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Tom Rooney, and Lynn Westmoreland came under attack by the liberal media and so-called conservative Republicans because they were doing their job as legislators.   These patriotic Members of Congress sent

Political Correctness Hurts American Society