WSJ, CNN, Politico Debunked: Anti-Carson Bio Attacks Crumble Under Scrutiny

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The racially-motivated DC Media’s rush to ClarenceThomas Republican presidential frontrunner Ben Carson is starting to crumble under scrutiny. As their respective stories are slowly but surely debunked by New Media, naturally, the DC Media is circling the wagons to hide said Crumbling. Politico’s false West Point story is still being bandied about as actual news by CNN and MSNBC. The same is true with the horrible anti-Carson reporting we saw from The Wall Street Journal and CNN.

For the last 6 days, the very same DC Media that chose to bury and ignore more than 30 inaccuracies in Barack Obama’s biography has, though lies of omission and commission, attempted to disqualify Ben Carson from the presidency based only on conjecture and innuendo.  Carson’s only proven sin is that he’s beating Hillary Clinton in all the polls and that he is a black man who dared stray from The Left-Wing Thought Plantation.

Let’s start with CNN’s shoddy, racially-motivated smear campaign.


CNN’s Lies of Omission

1. About events that happened more than 50 years ago, we now know that CNN has spoken only to random people in Detroit who went to school with Carson. Most of these people did not even know Carson before he was 14 years-old, the time in question.

2. Unlike the many details in Obama’s biography that were proven lies, CNN has proven nothing. Therefore the left-wing network can only attack Carson using lies of omission and innuendo.

3. CNN reporter Maeve Reston has outright lied about Carson stabbing someone. He did not.

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4. CNN bent over backwards to buried information it discovered that corroborates Carson’s story:


5.CNN is downplaying the crucially important news that way back in 1997, long before Carson had any political ambitions, Carson’s own mother corroborated the stabbing story. This is a CNN lie of omission:

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Politico’s Dan Rather Moment

  1. Politico reported in its headline that Carson admitted to fabricating his West Point story. He did not admit to any such thing. Politico’s headline was a provable lie.
  2. Politico reported in its lead paragraph that Carson admitted to fabricating his West Point story. He did not.
  3. Politico reported that Carson had claimed that he had applied at West Point. Carson never claimed any such thing.
  4. Politico never bothered to report the fact that during the time in question West Point was hot to recruit black cadets.
  5. Politico claims that West Point Does not offer “scholarships.” West Point disagrees.


Wall Street Journal’s Anti-Carson Hit-Pieces Implodes

  1. By interviewing a few students, The Wall Street Journal pretends it has debunked a 45 year-old incident involving Carson rescuing some white students during a 1968 race riot. This is not reporting. It is innuendo.
  2. The WSJ pretends it has debunked a story about Carson being awarded for his honesty at Yale. Carson claims he had his picture taken and was awarded $10. Only after the sloppy WSJ report published was a contemporaneous report of the incident discovered. Carson appears to have fallen for a hoax as a freshman instead of a Junior, but documentation of the event he describes exists.
  3. The WSJ pretends is debunked Carson’s story of having his photo taken with his $10 prize. Only later did the WSJ admit that “The paper doesn’t have a morgue of unused photos from the 1970s.”
  4. The WSJ pretends it debunked Carson’s claim that the class in question was called Perceptions 301. In fact, there is a Perception 300-level course at Yale. To backfill its mistake, the WSJ could only meekly claim that “according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no articles from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301.” Laughably, the WSJ also claims a Yale librarian told them there was no class by that name at the time. Oh, okay.
  5. The WSJ also re-warmed the now-debunked Politico hit-piece on Carson’s West Point scholarship offer.
  6. The WSJ also re-warmed the now-debunked CNBC/National Review hit on Carson’s relationship with Mannatech.

The DC Media needs to stop whining about its critics and look within. Corruption, lies, racism, provincialism, bias and privilege are rotting the industry.

If the DC Media doesn’t want to be completely destroyed and made even more irrelevant than it already it, it needs to be as aggressive with Democrats and they are with Republicans and stop lying.


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