Cops: Race Car Driver Arrested For Drunk Driving…During Race

Cops: Race Car Driver Arrested For Drunk Driving…During Race

ANDERSON, Indiana – Police say a race car driver faces a DUI charge in addition to several others after he intentionally crashed into another driver. 49-year-old Tommy Grant Lathan of Anderson was arrested Sunday morning and charged with one count of operating while intoxicated, one count of criminal recklessness and one count of intimidation.

According to Anderson Police Department public information officer, Joel Sandefur,  Lathan was black-flagged and forced out of a race Saturday night but re-entered the race where he intentionally crashed into another driver. No injuries were reported. 

Sandefur said officers smelled alcohol on Lathan’s breath after the race and several witnesses reportedly saw him drinking between races.  “I have never seen this before in 18 years,” Sandefur said. “But this is not something that is going to be tolerated.”

According to Sandefur, police obtained a warrant to take a blood sample early Sunday.  It was sent to the lab for testing. 


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