On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time,” former ABC’s “World News” anchor Sam Donaldson said the Republican Party must be “reconstituted as it once was” to be a good party with good people once again.
Donaldson said, “Do we all believe that it’s great to call on a foreign power to aid you in your re-election campaign to the United States? As you said earlier, Chris, we have money, restrictions, foreigners can’t give money, China can’t send money. Ukraine can’t. Vladimir Putin can’t send money on the table. But this is okay? No, it’s not okay. So the Democrats have the case. The Republicans don’t argue the case. They argue the process. They say it’s your witch hunt, you are out to get him, you have always hated him, and they pound the table like a lawyer who doesn’t have the case.”
He added, “How many Republicans in the Senate are going to vote convict? None. None So whatever evidence that you and I or anyone else thinks as they are on the table is disregarded by today’s Republican Party as represented by their Washington representatives. There are a lot of good Republicans in this country, and I hope the party is reconstituted as it once was. We need two good parties with good people on both sides.”
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