Newt Gingrich: Trump Should ‘Probably’ Attend Biden’s Inauguration

Tuesday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sounded off on the prospect of President Donald Trump attending President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration after contesting the 2020 presidential election results over allegations of voter fraud.

Gingrich told Hugh Hewitt, host of “The Hugh Hewitt Show,” that Trump needs to figure out which option between attending the inauguration or skipping it is better for his message. However, Gingrich said the outgoing president should “probably” end up going because it is the routine.

“[S]hould President Trump attend the inauguration of President-elect Biden?” Hewitt asked Gingrich.

“Probably,” Gingrich replied. “I think that we’ve only had a couple of presidents in history who didn’t. John Quincy Adams didn’t. And the Republicans in 1868 didn’t. But other than those two, it’s a routine. If he does not go, I think he has to explain why. And I’ve written a piece on why I will not give up, in which I’m pretty aggressive about this in general. Not so much the election, but the whole process of where the country is right now, which I think is extraordinarily dangerous. So I think Trump’s got to decide, you know, what best communicates his message.”

“I think his instinct is not to go because he’s convinced the election was stolen,” he added.

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