Dem Rep. Himes: Hunter ‘Possibly’ Committed Gun Crime

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) said that, unlike Republicans with former President Donald Trump and his family, he’s willing to say that Hunter Biden should be held accountable if he broke the law and that Hunter committed a crime on “possibly the ownership of a handgun.”

Himes said, “So, let me say something that you never heard a Republican member of Congress say in the four years of the Trump administration, which is that if Hunter Biden broke the law, he should be prosecuted. And it is clear that he broke the law with respect to taxes and possibly the ownership of a handgun. He should be held accountable for that. If he traded on his father’s influence, he should be held accountable for that. And I’m emphasizing this because you never, ever heard a Republican say the same thing about Donald Trump or his family. Now, to the question about impeachment, there is today zero evidence, zero evidence that Joe Biden, the president of the United States, knew about what his son was doing. If, if he did know about it, if he participated in that, then that is a very different conversation.”

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