Dem Rep. Landsman: Getting Aid to Gaza Is Tough Because Hamas Steals It, But It’s Crucial Israel Safeguard Aid

On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Way Too Early,” Rep. Greg Landsman (D-OH) acknowledged that “It is very difficult, once you get aid into Israel, as the United States is finding out now, to ensure that it’s being distributed and getting to Gazans, and that is a huge problem that goes beyond what Israel is or isn’t doing, that it is Hamas and others who are diverting these trucks.” But argued that it’s important to work with Israel to ensure aid gets to people. He also said that there’s an issue because Hamas won’t release hostages and agree to a ceasefire.

Landsman said, “Surging humanitarian aid is a top priority. It has to be a top priority. I was in Israel a couple of months ago, that was the primary mission or objective of our trip, was to pressure all those involved, not just Israel, to surge humanitarian aid, create those conditions. It is very difficult, once you get aid into Israel, as the United States is finding out now, to ensure that it’s being distributed and getting to Gazans, and that is a huge problem that goes beyond what Israel is or isn’t doing, that it is Hamas and others who are diverting these trucks. And so, working with Israel to create those conditions, those humanitarian corridors is critically important. The challenge, obviously, is that Hamas has these hostages, refuses to release the hostages or agree to any ceasefire that’s been proposed, and we need, obviously, for Hamas to agree to a ceasefire. And, if they don’t, for Israel to pursue ending Hamas, getting these hostages out in the most surgical and disciplined way possible.”

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