Calling All Readers — Dennis Miller Needs You!


The Dennis Miller Show is now accepting submissions for its “Time Capsule Accountability Project.”

Tired of certain celebrities and politicians making outlandish, baseless claims (Al Gore, we’re looking at you), Dennis Miller has decided to archive these proclamations for posterity.

“We need to put together the most outlandish, overstated arguments from the Left,” Miller said of the time capsule during his talk radio program, “and bury them in a safe for 100 years.”

Sarah Ricard, Digital Content Manager of the Dennis Miller Show, writes:

Phase 1 of the project is occurring online at Listeners are encouraged to submit predictions on the website, and the best ones will be noted on air. “The Time Capsule Accountability Project is really the only thing of its kind,” said the show’s co-host and producer, Christian Bladt, “but, we can’t do it alone. We really need our listeners help to make this a success.”

Once the online submissions are in, Westwood One, the parent company of the Dennis Miller Show, will hire an archivist to compile materials related to each prediction. The artifacts will be entombed in a safe donated by Gary Haneberg at Superior Safe in Chicago and then buried for 100 years in a plot of land, donated by a listener, Dan Banks in Jasper, AL.

Submit your predictions here.


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