UC San Diego Students Petition School to Kill Woody Allen Class

US film director Woody Allen walks at Piazza della Pace (Peace's square) in central Rome d

A UC San Diego student’s petition demanding the school kill a class that studies Woody Allen films has gained 9,600 signatures so far, reports the San Diego-Tribune.

Savanah Lyon, a theater major, told the San Diego-Tribune that she launched the petition because “people like Allen who have been accused of, or participated in, sexual assault shouldn’t be the subject of classes that talk about what great work they have done.”

According to the paper, she is referring to the allegations that Allen molested his daughter in 1992. Although the allegations were investigated in two states, Allen was cleared. No charges were ever filed.

Dylan Farrow, however, still claims Allen molested her as a seven-year-old. Another child, Moses Farrow, who was 14 and in the house at the time, says it did not happen and that their mother, actress Mia Farrow, coached Dylan to lie.

“This class might not be able to be cancelled in its current quarter but it can be taken of the books forever so that no one will ever have to see that pedophile glorified in an educational institution again,” the petition reads.

The course, which is called, “The Films of Woody Allen,” has been a part of the school’s’ curriculum since 1990. The petition, at press time, has garnered more than 11,200 supporters.


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