Killing Bin Laden And Unifying America

America has historically been a nation as one. Recent events be them political, military, economic, social, information, etc. have seemed to split the masses. Some would claim we are in the middle of a non-violent civil war between the right and left. Interestingly enough, with the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death, it appears as though we are unified–or are we, and for how long?

Being the world super power, many abroad have seen our internal strife. Some have hopes that our political and social distraught will eventually turn to violent protests similar to those found throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Yes, some Americans too would like to see such violence occur but the majority of us know such activity would be devastating to our country and the entire free world.

Bin Laden has meant very little to Islamic Extremists in recent years–he was just a figurehead. However, his death will likely spark a new flame of world-wide terrorism. Our enemies of Islamic extreme will likely use this as an opportunity to justify ongoing activities–are we prepared?

Our foreign enemies can be crushed. We can unify again as one nation–something our enemies do not want to observe. Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto once stated after the attacks on Pearl Harbor that he feared the attacks had “awoken a sleeping giant.” He was correct, the United States had awoken and we prevailed in securing not only the Pacific but also Europe and Africa during this period in world history.

Today, the majority of us are unified as one nation. We are embracing last night’s news temporarily putting all political indifferences to the side. This is a feeling we should all hold near and dear.

Americans, right and left, understand that it is time we awaken. This is not in reference to defeat Islamists, Obama, Big Oil, the Federal Reserve or any other single entity that appears to have caused concern amongst citizens. No, this statement is made in whole meaning that Americans in general, no matter their political stance, understand that we are swiftly deteriorating as the world super power and it is time to unify to ensure we do not lose this status of world supremacy. Maybe the death of OBL is what we needed to come together again. Maybe this is something our own administration realized.

Are we willing to embrace one another as fellow patriots to bring America back? It appears as though, for now, that we are. Is it too late to remain unified for a longer period of time? Post 9-11 kept us together for several months, but how long will the death of OBL keep us unified? How we prevail does not depend on any politically appointed individual, celebrity, media personality, etc. nor should it depend on any significant event like the death of Bin Laden. No, how we prevail depends on us, “We the People.”

The time has come that the people of the world watch this sleeping giant awaken once again. 9-11 had awoken us for a short period as a nation. There is no reason we should need another Pearl Harbor, 9-11, or kill of any terrorist like Bin Laden to awaken us. With that said, today we are unified because of U.S. success killing OBL and it feels really damn good. Do we, as a nation, have the character to remain unified?


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