Ret. Military Leaders Warn Against NDAA Amnesty Amendment

Ret. Military Leaders Warn Against NDAA Amnesty Amendment

On May 5th the Center for Security Policy released a letter in which “sixteen influential former leaders of the U.S. military” express strong opposition to a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amendment that will “open service in the armed forces to illegal aliens brought here as children by their parents.”

According to the Center for Security Policy release, the letter was directed to House Armed Services Committee chairman Representative Howard “Buck” McKeon (R-CA) in anticipation of the amendment, “expected to be offered by Rep. Mike Coffman” (R-CO).

The release contains the following excerpt from the letter:

We believe it is a serious mistake to open up military service to those known to have violated the laws of the United States. Whether they have done so by coming to this country illegally and living here in violation of immigration statutes, either at their own initiative or as a result of the actions of family members, they have acted in a manner inconsistent with the oath to support and defend the Constitution that they will be required to swear upon enlisting. Until now, such conduct has been deemed disqualifying and we believe it should continue to be so.

The military leaders also fear the Coffman amendment will be used as a “Trojan Horse” to secure “more sweeping amnesty and other changes to the U.S. immigration and border security laws.”

The House Armed Services Committee takes up consideration of the NDAA on May 7th.

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