Remember When I said Perry Should Have a Plan?

I know that is a dumb statement. I mean, what candidate doesn’t have a plan when seeking office? So when I mean a plan, I mean a plan. Yesterday’s post about Southern bigotry, I said would be a major factor for Perry to overcome.

I also said this.

voters will get a tour de force from the liberal establishment on Perry’s views of states’ rights, gay marriage, civil rights, welfare, religion and abortion.

They won’t take his policy positions, his record as governor, and compare that against Obama’s. No, that would take away from the real purpose and turn a real threat to Obama and his liberal establishment, into credible threat.

They can’t have that now can they? So the story line is that Obama is having bad luck. That’s all. A run of tough breaks has done what was initially unthinkable: challenged his genius. Whereas, Perry has had good luck in Texas. That’s all. A run of good bounces that allowed him to plod his way along for 11 years. Like an ignorant child who walked his way under busy scaffolding and emerged unscathed and unharmed.

And so it starts; dutifully assumed by the New York Times.

But some economists as well as Perry skeptics suggest that Mr. Perry stumbled into the Texas miracle. They say that the governor has essentially put Texas on autopilot for 11 years, and it was the state’s oil and gas boom — not his political leadership — that kept the state afloat. They also doubt that the Texas model, regardless of Mr. Perry’s role in shaping it, could be effectively applied to the nation’s far more complex economic problems.

“Because the Texas economy has been prosperous during his tenure as governor, he has not had to make the draconian choices that one would have to make in the White House,” said Bryan W. Brown, chairman of the Rice University economics department and a critic of Mr. Perry’s economic record. “We have no idea how he would perform when he has to make calls for the entire country.”

Of course you can’t have real criticism without credible input from “respected” experts.

“He’s been lucky,” said Bernard L. Weinstein, associate director of the McGuire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. “Obviously, neither the governor nor public policy in Texas has pushed oil prices up, and clearly the technological innovation has created a whole new industry in Texas.”

What is totally absent in this is the entire concept behind “innovation.” That is what happens when external forces: taxes, moratoriums, excessive regulation, heavy hand of the government etc., stay out of the picture. It kind of just happens that way. Almost like the Grand Canyon. It happened all by itself, you know. Vodka Pundit over at Pajamas Media has more on that.

And oh yes, the religion thing. The Atlantic takes him to task on that as well. While we’re on the subject, don’t forget the coming Theocracy that Perry (and Bachmann) has in store for America.

So not only is he evil, but he is lucky and evil!

The Left will throw as many things against the wall as they can, and settle for whatever sticks. The rest of the stuff – you know things that will turn our country around, create jobs, improve the economy, and raise the confidence in our country – will be irrelevant.


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