Cheri Jacobus’ Lawsuit Against Trump Claims Fox News Was In The Tank For Trump


Republican consultant and pundit Cheri Jacobus claims in a lawsuit that Corey Lewandowski showed her a letter from Fox News chieftain Roger Ailes asking what he could do to “help” Donald Trump’s campaign.

Jacobus is suing Trump for Twitter defamation because she disputes his version of events about why she did not end up getting hired as his campaign communications director. Jacobus says she asked for between $18,000 and $19,000 per month in salary.

Here’s the tweet that sparked Jacobus’ lawsuit.

Jacobus’ Twitter feed these days reads like one long angry missive against Trump.

Jacobus’ lawsuit vividly details interactions she allegedly had with Trump campaign manager Lewandowski. Jacobus claims that Lewandowski told her Fox News was “on board” with Trump.

Jacobus’ lawsuit claims:

At the lunch Lewandowski asked Jacobus, in sum and substance, if she was under a contract with any of television networks. Jacobus replied that she was not, but would like to be. Lewandowski responded to this reply by stating that Trump was very close to Roger Ailes,  the head of FOX, and that after the campaign Trump could probably pick up the phone and getJacobus a FOX contract. Lewandowski also noted that Trump was great friends with Bill O’Reilly of FOX News and Joe Scarborough, host of Morning Joe on MSNBC. This exchange was an obvious attempt to induce Jacobus into considering a position with the Campaign…

Jacobus then sent Lewandowski a salary request, according to the lawsuit:

I am very intrigued about the CD [communications director] position. Donald Trump’s candidacy is unique (as is he) and the public and voters are pretty open to him. I think they are comfortable with him because he seems so comfortable with them – a seemingly simple concept but quite powerful. At this point in my career, it would be a welcome endeavor to work with that particular dynamic.

I am assuming this would be a contract employee situation where I would need to be responsible for both employer and employee portion of FICA contributions, plus health insurance. And obviously, I already have an apartment so the campaign would not be burdened with that cost. Given these factors, I think a monthly fee/salary in the $18k-$19k (per month) range is appropriate.

Jacobus’ lawsuit details a subsequent meeting with Lewandowski:

As the subject of the meeting turned to discussion of communications,Lewandowski became increasingly agitated and rude, speaking in a loud voice and seeming to lack control. Lewandowski made several inappropriate remarks, bragging about yelling at Megyn Kelly, a well known journalist, and again bragging about Trump’s relationship with Roger Ailes and insisting, in response to Jacobus’ suggestion regarding media coverage, that they could do whatever they wanted with FOX and had them on their side. Jacobus politely countered this point by stating that she understood that Ailes let each Fox News show “do its own thing.” Lewandowski stated “You have absolutely NO IDEA how FOX works.”

Lewandowski continued that he and Trump had dinner with Ailes recently and had assurances that FOX was on board. Jacobus was astonished that Lewandowski would openly make such statement to her. Lewandowski then took from his desk drawer a printed copy of an email from Ailes to Trump in which Ailes communicated to Trump that Trump should let him know what FOX could do to help. The printed email included a handwritten note from Trump to Lewandowski with a notation which stated, in sum and substance, Corey FYI.

As Lewandowski’s agitated and unprofessional behavior grew more intense, Dornan left. Jacobus likewise thought it wise to extricate herself from the meeting as politely and quickly as possible, and also excused herself with a professional demeanor.

Jacobus did not return a request for comment sent on social media for this report.

A Fox News spokesperson did not return a request for comment as of press time.


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