Alabama YR Group Defies State Organization — Issues Proclamation Supporting Roy Moore

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Tuesday, the Shoals Young Republicans, a Young Republican group headquartered in the northwestern corner of Alabama, deviated from the state organization of Young Republicans and declared it would continue to support former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore for U.S. Senate.

A day earlier, the Young Republican Federation of Alabama “suspended” its support for Moore. However,  Josh Dodd, vice-chairman of the Fifth Congressional District for the Young Republican Federation of Alabama, said in a statement on behalf of the Shoals Young Republicans the country needed Moore.

“The Shoals Young Republicans is a conservative group of individuals that realize what is at stake in this election,” Dodd said in the statement. “We understand that President Trump’s tax plan, a repeal of Obamacare, and funding for a border wall will not pass if Doug Jones is in the Senate. Jones does not represent Alabama values, such as the right to life and the right to keep and bear arms. America needs Roy Moore to represent these values and fight for a constitutional majority on the Supreme Court.”

Moore faces Democrat Doug Jones on December 12 in a special election to fill the seat formerly held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Shoals YR Moore Resolution PDF

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