Donald Trump Taunts CNN’s Jim Acosta: How Is Your Book Doing?

Jim Acosta of CNN listens during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington, Wedn
AP/Susan Walsh

President Donald Trump taunted Jim Acosta on Saturday after the CNN journalist returned to the beat after promoting his book.

Acosta asked if Trump purposely ignored a journalist’s question about the death of Jamal Khashoggi during a meeting with Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman because he was afraid of offending him.

“No, not at all,” Trump replied. “I don’t really care about offending people, I sort of thought you’d know that.”

“By the way, congratulations, I understand your book, is it doing well?” Trump added.

“It’s doing very well Mr. President,” Acosta replied.

“Really?” Trump asked.

“I’ll get you an autographed copy,” Acosta continued.

“Good,” Trump replied. “Send it. I want to see it, send me a copy.”

Although Acosta’s book briefly made the New York Times’ top ten best sellers list last week, it is currently ranked at #1,308 on Amazon.


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