Pelosi, Schumer Say Joe Biden Should Run in 2024 Despite Negative Polling: ‘Done an Excellent Job’

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) s
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Top Democrat leaders Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), believe President Joe Biden has “done an excellent job” and deserves a second term.

Despite Biden’s negative polling among Democrat voters, Pelosi and Schumer both endorsed Biden for a potential reelection bid.

“[He has] done an excellent job” as president, Pelosi told CNN at a lunch meeting with Schumer this week.

“I hope that he does seek reelection. He’s a person with great vision for our country. He’s been involved for a long time so he has great knowledge of the issues, and the challenges we face,” she continued.

“The vision, the knowledge, the strategic thinking is all here,” she added. “The empathy is from the heart. And I think he’s a great president.”

Schumer said Biden, who is 80 years old, should run for president again in 2024, when he will be 82. Biden is already the oldest president in history.

“He’s done an excellent, excellent job,” Schumer said. “And if he runs, I’m going to support him all the way.”

While Pelosi and Schumer praised Biden for doing an excellent job as president, a strong majority of Democrat voters (59 percent) prefer someone else to Biden as the party’s 2024 nominee, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday.

Among the 59 percent of Democrats that prefer another nominee to Biden, only 51 percent say they would “definitely” vote for Biden if he were the party’s 2024 nominee.

Just 86 percent say they would support or would likely support Biden in a 2024 election if he were the party’s nominee.

Only 70 percent of Democrats believe Biden deserves four more years, while 28 percent do not believe Biden deserves another four years at the future age of 82.

Biden’s age appears to be a factor for much of the electorate. Polling shows less than 25 percent of voters strongly believe Biden is mentally fit, healthy, and stable. Fifty-eight percent of Americans believe he should receive at least a cognitive test. Overall, 54 percent of adults think Biden is not mentally sound enough to serve as president.

Since Biden assumed office, he has appeared lost in public view at least ten times. He has also consistently struggled with angry outbursts when peppered with difficult questions — especially questions about the Biden family business.

When a reporter asked Biden earlier this year why voters doubt his mental ability, health, and stability, Biden said he did not know.

“I have no idea,” Biden replied.

“I don’t believe the polls,” he added.

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks on student loan debt in the Roosevelt Room of the White House August 24, 2022 in Washington, DC. President Biden announced steps to forgive $10,000 in student loan debt for borrowers who make less than $125,000 per year and cap payments at 5 percent of monthly income. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks on student loan debt in the Roosevelt Room of the White House August 24, 2022. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


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