Bill Donohue - Page 3

Virginia Parents Overwhelmingly Reject Gender Ideology-Based Sex Ed

“Sex declares itself in utero; it is recognized and acknowledged at birth,” they wrote. “Gender refers to the stereotypical social roles associated with sex. Gender is not an innate biological trait. Gender identity refers to a person’s awareness of being male or female. Gender identity is a cognitive and psychological trait that exists in the mind.”

Deena Kennedy, left, holds a sticker for a new gender neutral bathroom as members of the c

‘Hannity’ Panel Clashes Over Pope’s Charlie Hebdo Comments

On Thursday’s “Hannity,” Catholic League President Bill Donohue, Fox News Contributor Father Jonathan Morris, USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers, and Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity clashed over comments by Pope Francis regarding the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo. Donohue doubled down


Catholic League Head Bashes ‘Narcissism’ of Artists

Catholic League President Bill Donohue doubled down on earlier comments he made criticizing the Charlie Hedbo and its publisher for “the role he played in his tragic death,” arguing that “self-censorship is the friend of liberty” and blasting the “narcissism
