Pro-Life Leader Ryan Bomberger to Biden: ‘Killing Voters Before They’re Born Ultimate Act of Voter Suppression’
Pro-life leader Ryan Bomberger reminded Joe Biden that “killing voters before they’re born is the ultimate act of voter suppression.”

Pro-life leader Ryan Bomberger reminded Joe Biden that “killing voters before they’re born is the ultimate act of voter suppression.”
Washington, DC – The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) on Wednesday will release its investigative report on the latest strategy of the abortion industry to target the black community.
An anti-woke black leader denounced the pervasion of racial identity in the country’s culture and urged Americans to achieve a “post-racial” state by encouraging a return to two-parent black families.
The program director of a national organization of black homeschooling families condemned the premise of Critical Race Theory (CRT), asserting school systems promoting it are using black families “to move their agenda forward.”
The leader of a new black movement says the left is “weaponizing” black children by keeping them in failing schools and grooming them in how to “undermine America.”
New research claims to have found that early strict discipline of black and Hispanic children causes an increase in later adult jail time.
More parents are homeschooling their children even as schools have been planning to reopen with in-person instruction.
School districts that lost student enrollment during the pandemic are facing the reality those students will stay with their new education choices.
A black-led family and faith movement has taken out a Father’s Day ad to recruit “a few good men” to help “ignite a resurrection of the two-parent black family.”
A former Black Lives Matter activist revealed he “learned the ugly truth” the radical group has little concern for rebuilding black families or educating black children.
A black school choice and family movement posted data that obstructs the “racial disparities” narrative of Critical Race Theory proponents.
An AP report states some black parents prefer remote learning as a means to better “shield their children from racism in classrooms.”
An Angel Mom is urging black Americans to stand with Trump, whose school choice policies offer low-income black families an opportunity to change the trajectory from poverty to success.
“African American children, in particular, have suffered from cultural upheaval, the evil of eugenics disguised as abortion rights, fatherless homes, and policies that have helped destroy families and communities,” he asserted. “Yet no one is calling for relief from their plight. What’s more, their pain and inequality has deeper roots – going all the way back to the failed policies of President Johnson’s Great Society.”