Wisconsin Democrat’s War on Women: Carly Fiorina is Like Cruella De Vil
Carly for America is calling out a Democrat for a “war on women” since he called GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina “Cruella de Vil.”

Carly for America is calling out a Democrat for a “war on women” since he called GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina “Cruella de Vil.”
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina jumped to fourth place, according to Fox News’ 2016 Power Index.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker — a likely GOP presidential candidate — wants to highlight how disconnected Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is from the middle class.
A new Gravis Marketing poll suggests at least two GOP presidential candidates could defeat Hillary Clinton in Iowa during the 2016 general election — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. The poll also reveals how the GOP candidates are stacking up against one another — and individually against Clinton.
In an effort to beat any political attacks on her finances – something Democrats used against Mitt Romney in 2012 – Fiorina also released copies of her federal tax returns for 2012 and 2013 as well as a copy of her Public Financial Disclosure.
On the same day former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) is set to announce his presidential candidacy, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) took to Twitter to announce his formal announcement will be in just 11 days – on June 15th.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) plans an announcement about the 2016 presidential election in New Orleans on June 24. He is expected to join an already crowded field of Republican candidates.
Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders, an underdog in comparison to his competitor Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential nomination, drew larger crowds over the weekend than Clinton did at an event Monday in New York City.
Following recent media attention showcasing Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is adding to his popularity and drawing large crowds during his travels through Iowa, a new study reveals he’s also the only presidential candidate – either Republican or Democrat – to drastically increase his internet presence across multiple media platforms.
GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul swept the competition in recent polls, which also indicates he is the best Republican candidate to go head to head against likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s campaign message – “We The People” – seems to be helping him climb in the polls.
The Democratic Party will now have three candidates to choose from for 2016, as former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley formally announced his White House bid Saturday morning in Baltimore, Maryland.
GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson reacted to Tuesday’s ruling out of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals against the federal government in upholding of the injunction to delay President Obama’s executive action on immigration.
Female GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina will be speaking in Columbia, South Carolina Wednesday. Ironically, Hillary Clinton – the only female Democratic presidential candidate – will also be in town.
Mike Huckabee says he’ll skip the Iowa Straw Poll. But he was sending a different message four years ago.
Iowa’s Department of Public Safety won’t criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign operatives for speeding across the state at speeds of 95 miles per hour, but criticized a reporter for the U.K. Daily Mail for going just as fast while taking video of his car’s speedometer earlier this week.
GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is getting endorsements from fellow Texas Congressmen.
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) says Congress should let the Export-Import Bank expire on June 30th because it’s “the best example of corporate welfare that there is.”
Tuesday marks 37 days since Hillary Rodham Clinton launched her bid for the White House, but she still hasn’t done a formal sit down interview with national media, nor answered questions from the press.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says he is running for president because “the world is falling apart.” But a poll in his state reveals that roughly 60 percent of respondents, who are all South Carolina voters, don’t want Graham to run for president.
It has now been 33 days since Hillary Clinton made her White House bid official, yet she still hasn’t done a formal sit-down interview with national media, setting a record for going the longest of any candidate in recent history without doing so.
Multiple media outlets have estimated that Clinton has only answered roughly eight questions from reporters since she officially launched her campaign April 12th.
Unlike Clinton, GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has been on what CNN coined a “media blitz” introducing herself to voters.
Donald Trump received loud cheers from the crowd when he spoke at the South Carolina Freedom Summit on Saturday in Greenville. He was one of several current and likely GOP presidential candidates to attend the summit.
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry came out in favor of President Barack Obama’s secret trade deal on Thursday, joining just two of his fellow Republicans in the 2016 hunt—most of the rest are either deathly silent or adamantly opposed—Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
Jeff Kaufmann is Chairman for the Republican Party of Iowa. He writes that the poll needs to get “back to its roots,” and is announcing some big changes in an op-ed published by Politico. A key change will see the poll relocated: from Ames to Boone, Iowa this August.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a likely GOP presidential candidate, is slamming Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, over her new immigration agenda. Walker calls the platform, rolled out yesterday in Nevada, a “full embrace of amnesty.”
Donald Trump, possible GOP presidential candidate, made two new hires to join his team in South Carolina on Wednesday.
Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett Packard CEO and GOP presidential candidate, appeared on Late Night with Seth Meyers on NBC following her announcement that she is running for president.
It has been 24 days since Hillary Rodham Clinton entered the presidential race, but she has yet to do a sit-down interview with national media, as Breitbart News first reported. Clinton has only answered seven questions, according to the National Journal.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is most likely the Republican candidate that could beat Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, according to a Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll released Tuesday.
It has been 24 days – more than three weeks – since Clinton announced her bid for president, yet she still has not spoken to national media about her campaign or to address the controversies she is facing. Breitbart News previously reported this is a record for presidential candidates in recent history.
Dr. Ben Carson declares for president, saying he believes the real problem in America is that individuals are losing hope and don’t believe there is a better way to get what they desire. “Stop being loyal to a party or a man,” Carson said. “Think for yourself.”
Before he throws his hat in the ring tomorrow, Dr. Ben Carson is sharing photos of children and young supporters calling for him to enter the presidential race on his Facebook page.
Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is expected to announce her bid for president tomorrow morning on Twitter, followed by a press call with media. In the afternoon, she will hold a live town hall meeting with the public that can be live streamed on the internet.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee announced in a video on his website what he plans to do if he were elected President of the United States.
The next wave of what is expected to be a very crowded 2016 GOP presidential candidate pool is set to crash next week as Dr. Ben Carson, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are all expected to officially jump into the race.
Research tracing back through the 2012 and 2008 primaries suggests the longest a candidate went without doing an interview with national press after a presidential bid announcement was roughly two days. Hillary Clinton has gone two weeks. And counting.
Former Hewlett Packard CEO and potential GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is often critical about Hillary Clinton’s track record as secretary of state.
Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett Packard CEO, tells Iowans she is running for president.