Warning or Threat? Macron Predicts ‘Disorder’ if he Doesn’t Win Upcoming Election
Recently returned president Emmanuel Macron is warning of “disorder” and “chaos” as a result of a far-left surge in France.

Recently returned president Emmanuel Macron is warning of “disorder” and “chaos” as a result of a far-left surge in France.
French President Emmanuel Macron was pelted with a flurry of tomatoes during his first public appearance since winning re-election on Sunday.
Nigel Farage has told Breitbart News that he believes a coming economic crisis will expose the “globalist project” as having failed ordinary people.
Conservative Eric Zemmour has reached out to the Marine Le Pen to form a right-wing coalition ahead of June’s parliament elections.
Far-left extremists protested and rioted in multiple French cities following the election victory of President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday.
Muslims in France voted overwhelmingly for Emmanuel Macron, with 85 per cent of Muslim ballots going towards keeping the French President in power.
A senior Irish politician has decried nationalism on the anniversary of his own country taking up arms against Britain in the hopes of becoming independent.
While French voters decide the future of their country at the ballot box, one priest is recovering after being attacked with a knife while performing a Sunday mass.
Polling stations have opened for the second and final round of the French presidential election after Emmanuel Macron made a last-ditch effort to court young voters in a bid to save his presidency.
Opinion polling released just days before Sunday’s French presidential second round vote has put little distance between President Emmanuel Macron and populist challenger
The leftist leaders of Germany, Spain, and Portugal urged the French public to back incumbent President Macron over Marine Le Pen.
A poll released this week suggests that six in ten French people would support the government banning the Islamic veil in public spaces, a policy favoured by Presidential election hopeful Marine Le Pen. The poll, which was conducted by the
Marion Marechal, a vice-president of Eric Zemmour’s Reconquest! party, has called for French conservatives and populists to form a united coalition in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen duked it out on Wednesday evening, with the populist challenger pressuring the President in a debate on subjects including Islamism, immigration and the economy.
The head of France’s Office of Immigration has stated if Marine Le Pen wins the presidency, he refuses to “collaborate” with her.
Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will face each other in a grudge match debate on Wednesday evening as polling between the two suggests that the election for the French Presidency remains a toss-up.
The EU’s fraud agency has reportedly accused French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen of misusing public funds in the EU Parliament.
French bishops are not expected to direct worshippers on how to vote in the French presidential elections as more and more Roman Catholics have become supporters of populist challenger Marine Le Pen.
Emmanuel Macron has doubled down on his green agenda in the hopes of wooing leftist voters as fear grows that populist Le Pen may snatch victory.
Two men have been indicted after the death of a Jewish man who was beaten by a mob before being killed by a tram in the Paris suburbs.
French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen has been denounced by a former British ambassador to France for talking up a military alliance with post-Brexit Britain.
The president of a French university has come under fire after telling students and faculty to vote against populist Marine Le Pen.
President Macron stated he is open to “dismantling” social media giants and proposed to end anonymity online as he campaigns for re-election.
Populist presidential Marine Le Pen has hinted at the possibility of a referendum that could see the death penalty return to France.
Emmanuel Macron has claimed that those who criticise French lockdown policy are not living in the ‘real world’, while praising one veil-wearing Muslim woman as a feminist.
Disgraced former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has become the latest establishment figure to back Emmanuel Macron in his re-election bid.
Speaking in the run up to April 24 French Presidential Election, populist candidate Marine Le Pen has called for a “referendum revolution” to put sweeping policy changes to a democratic vote, claiming President Emmanuel Macron has given power to technocrats.
A survey released by a Brazilian-based firm this week has revealed that populist leader Marine Le Pen may be pulling ahead of President Emmanuel Macron as France votes in the first round of its presidential elections this weekend.
The death of a Jewish man who was chased by a mob and hit by a tram has received scrutiny In the final days of the French election.
As his main rival Marine Le Pen surges in the polls, Emmanuel Macron has bailed on a major debate featuring all other presidential election hopefuls.
France’s President Emmanuel Macron has, in an effort to fend off populist political opposition, claimed he is “against woke culture”.
Presidential Candidate Eric Zemmour has promised to kick out one million migrants from France within five years should he be elected.
Supporters of populist Eric Zemmour were doused with gasoline in the latest attack of the hotly contested French presidential election.
French President Emmanuel Macron will not join any debates ahead of the first round of the upcoming presidential election, instead stating he would prefer to debate with the French people.
Marion Maréchal, the niece of Presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen, has formally joined the presidential campaign of her right-wing rival.
Marion Maréchal, former French MP and niece of Marine Le Pen, is expected to join the presidential campaign of the conservative writer and pundit Eric Zemmour and appear at a rally this weekend in Toulon.
After a short yet controversial reign, France’s regime of vaccine passes is set to be “suspended” by mid-March.
With only days to spare, both Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen have managed to scrape together enough endorsements from elected officials to earn a spot within the French presidential race.
French presidential hopeful Eric Zemmour has said that he would rather refugees fleeing Ukraine remain in Poland, with France already suffering from the ‘destabilising force’ of immigration.
Online encyclopedia-turned information giant Wikipedia banned seven of its editors over their sympathy for a French presidential hopeful.