Iraq War - Page 5

Bloomberg Poll: Trump +19 in South Carolina

A new Bloomberg poll of South Carolina shows Donald Trump maintaining a strong lead in the state heading into Saturday’s primary. Trump has the support of 36 percent of likely Republican voters, followed distantly by Ted Cruz in second with

Trump in SC Flag Palm Tree

Donald Trump in 2000: WMDs in Iraq

in Trump’s 2000 book, The America We Deserve, he said that Iraq had continued to develop WMDs and that it might be necessary to ““carry the mission to its conclusion” to stop Saddam Hussein.

Donald Trump ames_iow Nati HarnikAP Photo

REPORT: Blair Committed UK To Iraq War A Year Before Invasion

Former British prime minister Tony Blair was committed to joining the United States in the Iraq war a year before the 2003 invasion, documents obtained by a Sunday newspaper suggested. The revelations focus on a memo allegedly written by former

iraq war

Jeb: In 2009, Mission Was Accomplished in Iraq

Thursday at a national security forum in Davenport, IA, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush contradicted his brother President George W. Bush’s infamous 2003 mission accomplished speech on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln declaring an end to major combat operations


Trump: Some GOP Governors Got ‘Lucky’ With Fracking

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that some of the Republican governors running for president “got a little bit lucky with the fracking” while laying out his positions on illegal immigration and the Middle East among other issues in an


The Nuclear Option: Peace Hero Kerry Crashes Again

This was supposed to be the moment where John Kerry would finally make the history books. Or, at least, make the history books for something other than losing the presidency to George W. Bush in the midst of a wildly unpopular war in Iraq, which, if you think about it, is a pretty remarkable feat.


Woodward: Bush Did Not Lie About WMD, He Was ‘Skeptical’

This weekend on Fox News Channel’s “Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace,” veteran journalist Bob Woodward said former President George W. Bush did not lie about Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein  having weapons of mass distraction in the buildup to the


Something Missing from Iraq War Debate (As Usual)

The Iraq debate that has erupted three, seven, eight, twelve years too late may end up disproving the old adage, “Better late than never.” Why? Too many glaring omissions from the conversation. Let’s start with Numero Uno: Islam. Once again,

European terror attacks