Iraq War - Page 6

5 Reasons the Iraq War Was Not a Mistake

The media have finally extracted from Hillary Clinton the question they have pressing her Republican rivals to answer for several weeks now: knowing what we now know about Iraq–that it did not have the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) it was thought to have–should we still have invaded Iraq? The answer journalists wish to hear is “no,” because it is a way of excusing President Barack Obama for the predictable (and predicted) mess that transpired when he withdrew from Iraq.

The Associated Press

Rubio Refuses to Call Iraq War a ‘Mistake’

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace questioned Sen. Marcio Rubio (R-FL) about the 2003 Iraq war and whether or not that was a mistake. Wallace asked several times if it was it a mistake. “That was not the

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Rubio: Iraq Wasn’t a Mistake, But I Wouldn’t Have Done It

The media’s dogged determination to chase every Republican presidential contender down and pummel them for comments about the Iraq War is remarkable to behold, since they are simultaneously willing to let the only 2016 candidate who voted in favor of the war skate by without answering questions about it, or anything else for that matter. While Hillary Clinton is given months to prepare for her ninth question from the press since declaring a candidacy, every Republican is peppered with heavy fire from a throng of journalists on an hourly basis.

The Associated Press

Ted Cruz Talks Foreign Policy, Immigration, and Common Core

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz appeared on Fox News’s “The Kelly File,” where he was asked by host Megyn Kelly to discuss her recent interview with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who is expected to announce that he will be running for president in the 2016 Republican presidential primary.

The Associated Press

Fiorina: ‘I Would Not Have Gone In’ to Iraq

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said that knowing then what she knows now, she would not have gone to war with Iraq on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel She stated, “Yeah, the intelligence was clearly wrong. And so


Bush Ally Ana Navarro: Jeb ‘Misheard’ Iraq War Question

Tuesday on CNN’s “New Day,” Republican strategist and Bush ally Ana Navarro discussed Jeb Bush telling  Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly he would have authorized the 2003 Iraq war “knowing what we know now” and defended her friend by explaining he

Tom Friedman Skeptical of Iran Deal

In the run-up to the Iraq War in 2003, New York Times columnist began to reconsider his support for the military option, as he became convinced that the Bush administration was going to mishandle the war and its aftermath. Fast-forward 12 years, and Friedman is making similar moves ahead of the final talks on a nuclear deal with Iran. In his Apr. 23 column, Friedman says that while a nuclear deal is desirable, the structure and context of the deal means “it will not be easy.”

Thomas Friedman, NYT (Peter Schneider / AP)

Rand: Iraq War Made US Less Safe

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) responded to his “neocon” critics, stating that they supported “taking out Hussein,” which he said made the US “less safe” and made the Middle East “more chaotic” on Wednesday’s “Situation Room” on CNN. Rand addressed the accusations


Kerry: Netanyahu Was Wrong About Iraq–Why Trust Him on Iran?

Secretary of State John Kerry told the House Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday that the U.S. should be wary of trusting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s warnings on Iran, because Netanyahu had also backed the Iraq War. Kerry’s remarks were hypocritical, since he also supported the war. And they raise the disturbing suggestion, beloved of conspiracy theorists, that Israel is dragging the U.S. to war. Yet it is worth asking whether Kerry’s criticism has merit.


Jeb Bush: ‘Mistakes Made’ in Iraq on Brother’s Watch

Wednesday at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, while addressing the 2003 Iraq war during his brother’s administration, former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL)  said, “there were mistakes made in Iraq.” Bush said, “There were mistakes in Iraq for sure. Using the


American Sniper: A Good Guy With A Gun Stopping Bad Guys

While watching Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper on January 26, it occurred to the author that while the movie is primarily a film that honors the life of American hero Chris Kyle–and rightfully so–it is also a film that tells a story about the good uses of a gun — a story about a good guy with a gun stopping bad guys.

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