Michael Brown - Page 3

Baltimore Riots Explode Leftist Race Myths

As rioters rushed through the streets of Baltimore, torching police vehicles, looting local stores, and attacking police officers and reporters alike, some intrepid leftists justified the activity.

AP Photo

‘Black Lives Matter’ is Back in the Bay–Now, with Latino Lives, Too

Less than two weeks after a white police officer in South Carolina was charged with murder following a video recording that showed him shooting and killing Walter Scott–a fleeing, unarmed black man–“Black Lives Matter” protesters have taken to the street of San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley again in an attempt to “stop business as usual” and to “demand justice.”

Black Lives Matter (Annette Bernhardt / Flickr / CC)

Starbucks Baristas To Hassle Customers About ‘Race Relations’

The Starbucks coffee chain announces a “race relations initiative” to allow employees to opine about race, whether customers like it or not. Perhaps some quick-thinking restaurant chains will begin advertising themselves as peaceful politics-free zones where people can enjoy meals and beverages without being proselytized from every angle.

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Ferguson Cop Shooting Suspect Jeffrey Williams Linked to Dorian Johnson

After the arrest of 20-year-old Jeffrey Williams, protesters involved in the Ferguson Black Lives Matter movement rushed forward to say he was not a protester. However, Williams’ Facebook page shows he had befriended unreliable witness Dorian Johnson, the man who was with Mike Brown when he was shot by Officer Darren Wilson.

AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

Missouri Gun Sales Soar amid Ferguson Unrest

Beginning with the unrest after the August 2014 shooting of Micheal Brown and that which followed the grand jury verdict in favor of Officer Darren Wilson, as well as the fervor maintained by national hucksters intent on keeping racial tensions aflame, gun sales in Missouri are through the roof.

AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

Obama’s DOJ ‘Prepared’ to Disband Ferguson Police Over ‘Racism’

After releasing a report that completely exonerated Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson of any wrongdoing in the death of an 18-year-old strong arm robbery suspect, Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that he was still “prepared” to dismantle the department, because racism was to blame for high rates of black violence and criminality.


Princeton Theological Prof: Darren Wilson Should Be Fired

Yolanda Pierce, Associate Professor of African American Religion and Literature, and Director of the Center for Black Church Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary (which is not affiliated with Princeton University) said that Officer Darren Wilson should be fired on Saturday’s


Get ‘Em While They’re Young: ‘Radical Brownies’ Taught to Regurgitate Social Justice Propaganda

One of the most reliable tactics of the left, from its softer and more “respectable” incarnations to the hardcore socialists, involves going after small children. If “activists” can get kids while they’re young and pump their heads full of propaganda, they can build an unquestioning army good for years of service in ideological crusades. If nothing else, they’ll become confused and bitter adults who flail around helplessly in a world they were never prepared to succeed in, which makes them useful fodder for “community organizers.”
