Ford, GM, Other Michigan Companies Denounce State Senate Voting Bills
Ford, General Motors, and 30 other Michigan companies are denouncing voting bills introduced by the Michigan state Senate.

Ford, General Motors, and 30 other Michigan companies are denouncing voting bills introduced by the Michigan state Senate.
Michigan Republican legislative leaders were not happy on Friday when they learned the Board of Elections (BOE) ordered county clerks to delete election-related data from government computers.
Activists met Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey in the Washington, DC, airport on Friday and heckled him as he made his way to meet President Trump.
Republican Senate candidate John James called on the Michigan Board of Canvassers to hold off certifying the election results during its meeting Monday, and investigation fraud allegations for two weeks.
Just as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was hoping to shine and be picked to be Joe Biden’s running mate, her tenure is melting down.
The Michigan House of Representatives and Senate joined forces on Wednesday to sue Gov. Gretchen Whitmer after she bypassed the legislature to extend the state of emergency declaration.
The Michigan state government melted down on Wednesday after negotiations fell apart over extending Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers.