Shiite - Page 6

Iran Rising: Tehran Using Hezbollah in Latin American ‘Cultural Centers’ To Infiltrate West

The rapidly growing number of Shiite cultural centers in Latin America have provided the Islamic Republic of Iran with a means to expand its covert recruitment operations throughout the western hemisphere, leading military officials and experts to provide Breitbart News with statements that directly contradict the Obama administration’s narrative that Iran’s influence in the region is “waning.”

Hassan Rouhani, Nicolas Maduro

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Shiite Mosque Bombing in Saudi Arabia

The endless sectarian bloodshed between militant Islamists continues, with a deadly suicide bomb attack on a Shia mosque in Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia that killed over a dozen people. According to the BBC, the Sunni fanatics of the Islamic State have claimed responsibility for the attack, with a Twitter message that included an image of the bomber.

REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser

Sunni Tribes In Iraq Have Second Thoughts About Supporting ISIS

The sectarian and factional chaos unleashed in Iraq by the ISIS invasion has neighboring tribes literally at each other’s throats, according to a report by the Associated Press. Some Sunni tribes initially welcomed the Sunni extremists of ISIS when they rolled across the border, thinking they might help change the balance of power in Shiite-dominated Baghdad. After watching ISIS turn northern Iraq into a torture chamber, some members of the al-Lehib tribe changed their minds, and ended up fighting alongside Iraqi military forces and the Kurds.

AP Photo

Senator Flake Embraces WH Removal of Cuba from Terror List

Republican Senator Jeff Flake wasted no time in enthusiastically embracing a White House declaration Tuesday removing Cuba from a United States State Department list of state sponsors of terror, despite the communist country’s ongoing harboring of terrorists and ties to terrorist organizations.

Ramon Espinosa/AP

Iraqi PM Meets with Obama, Requests Billions More In Military Aid

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi is in Washington for his first visit in office, and is scheduled for a meeting with President Obama at which he will request a massive increase in military aid against the Islamic State. A senior Iraqi official told Reuters, “We’re talking about billions here… This is a new approach for us because of the scale of the challenge we have ahead. Mosul and Nineveh province and Anbar will cost us a lot.”

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi AP Photo

Residents Cannot Enter Town Captured From ISIS

Kurdish and Iraqi forces drove out the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) militants from Jalawla, which is 90 miles northeast of Baghdad, on November 23, 2014. While it should be a joyous occasion, residents cannot enter because a fight over the town is brewing between the victors.


ISIS Beheads Shiites In Syria; Teenage Boys Lead Prisoners To Slaughter

ISIS released another beheading video through social media on Sunday. The new film is notable in two respects: the victims were captive Shiite Muslims in Syria who were described as “impure infidels” by their captors, and a group of teenage boys were employed as assistant executioners, continuing the Islamic State’s trend of working children into their murder videos.

Iraqi government forces celebrate while holding an al-Qaeda affiliated flag after they cla

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Massive Terror Attack In Yemen With Over 100 Fatalities

A horrific coordinated suicide bomb attack on two Shiite mosques in Yemen’s capital city of Sanaa has killed at least 100 people and injured hundreds more, according to Fox News. ISIS militants have claimed responsibility for the attack, which targeted members of the Iran-backed Shiite Houthi tribe which overthrew Yemen’s American-backed Sunni elected government in January.


Iran’s Sphere of Influence Grows: Houthis Dissolve Yemeni Parliament

Yemen’s Shiite Houthi rebels announced today that they have dissolved the Yemeni parliament and installed their own “transitional national council of 551 members” plus a five-member “presidential council” to rule the country for at least two years, as reported by CBS News. A new national constitution is to be drafted by the revolutionary government.

AP Photo/Hani Mohammed