trade war - Page 5

China Revamps Diplomatic Corps to Deal with Trump Administration

China has signaled significant changes to its top diplomatic lineup due to growing tensions with the Trump administration over trade issues and intellectual property theft. The changes also appear consistent with President Xi Jinping’s effort to consolidate power by installing friends and loyalists in important positions.

White House says Xi's term limits 'up to China'

David P. Goldman: Steve Bannon Was Right About North Korea and China

David P. Goldman salutes his friend Steve Bannon – the former White House strategist now returned home to Breitbart News – for his perspective on the threats posed by North Korea and China. Goldman argues the world owes Bannon thanks for heading off a military confrontation with North Korea, but warns a longer, colder struggle against China is the “main event.”

The Associated Press

China Devalues to Save 60 Million Chinese Jobs

The People’s Bank of China has devalued the yuan 2.9 percent since Monday–the biggest plunge in the currency’s value since the mid-1990s. China’s currency devaluation is a classic predatory trade war action to save up to 60 million Chinese factory jobs at the expense of millions of American and European workers.

China Mao statue (Mark Ralston / AFP / Getty)