Wuhan - Page 6

China Blocks W.H.O. Inspectors Again

Chinese officials on Thursday blocked two members of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) team investigating the origins of the Chinese coronavirus from entering China.


China Increases Punishments for Labs Hiding Infectious Diseases

The Chinese government passed a “biosafety law” on Sunday, with new procedures and restrictions set to take effect in April. Among other measures, the law ostentatiously increases the criminal penalties for medical facilities and individual staffers who “conceal, falsely inform, delay or omit the reports of infectious diseases.”

A picture taken in a laboratory of the National Reference Center (CNR) for respiratory vir

French Govt Launches $118 Billion Virus Recovery Plan

PARIS (AP) — Facing resurgent virus infections, France’s government is unveiling details Thursday of a 100 billion-euro ($118 billion) recovery plan aimed at creating jobs, saving struggling businesses and pulling the country out of its worst economic slump since World War II.

scaliger / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Wuhan Locals on Coronavirus Lockdown: ‘The Trauma Is So Deep’

In Wuhan – the origin location of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic – locals say that the city’s 11-week coronavirus lockdown caused severe “trauma” to both the urban center’s economy and its residents’ collective psyche, contradicting Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda suggesting that the capital of Hubei province has returned to a pre-pandemic normal.


Thousands Cram into Wuhan Water Park for Music Festival

Thousands of festival-goers crammed into a water park over the weekend in Wuhan — the central Chinese city where the Wuhan coronavirus first emerged last year — as local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials say they are once again easing coronavirus restrictions in the city.

TOPSHOT - This photo taken on August 15, 2020 shows people watching a performance as they