Antifa Protesters Assault Security at King’s College ‘Sargon of Akkad’ Event

Antifa disrupts an event King's College London featuring YouTuber Sargon of Akkad
YouTube/Sargon of Akkad

A group of Antifa protesters stormed a Sargon of Akkad event after assaulting security guards during an event hosted at King’s College in London this week.

Masked Antifa protesters stormed into an event at King’s College in London on Monday evening. The event was hosted by the college’s Libertarian Society and featured Sargon of Akkad, a popular YouTube star, and Yaron Brook, who serves at the Chair of the Board of Directors at the Ayn Rand Institute.

According to a report from the Telegraph, masked Antifa protesters assaulted security guards to gain access to the venue and then smashed windows and set off smoke bombs. One protester set off the fire alarm, causing a further commotion.

The protesters called Sargon of Akkad, whose real name is Carl Benjamin, an “alt-right” figure. This is despite Benjamin’s liberal political identity and admission that he preferred Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Danny Al-Khafaji, the president of the Libertarian Society at King’s College, says that the event was interrupted shortly after it had begun by a loud bang.

“This was an extremely well organised protest. They jumped over the barriers, smashed windows and a door. The security guards on the door were attacked, two were hospitalised,” Al-Khafaji told The Daily Telegraph in a comment.

“They stormed in went straight to the stage, up to me and the speakers and started harassing us and the audience. Fire alarms went off – they had dropped smoke bombs. The security was nowhere to be seen,” he added.

The event was eventually moved to another room after attendees and protesters were evacuated from the building due to the fire alarm.

King’s College President Edward Byrne expressed his concern at the behavior of the protesters. “Some of the attendees and our security staff were injured when demonstrators – some of them masked and hooded – forced their way into the lecture hall,” Byrne said.

“These events should absolutely be able to take place without fear of violence and intimidation. The injuries sustained by our security staff and the physical violence on display are totally unacceptable in any university community,” he added

No arrests have been made in connection with the protest.


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