Apple CEO Tim Cook Highlights Progressive Causes in Duke Commencement Address

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Apple CEO Tim Cook used his commencement address at Duke University on Sunday to promote various progressive causes, including the #MeToo movement and Parkland anti-gun student activists.

Cook, a longtime Democratic fundraiser and Duke University alumnus, used his commencement address at Duke University to highlight several popular progressive causes such as gun control, immigration, and the #MeToo movement. The theme of Cook’s address was “Be Fearless.” Cook encouraged Duke graduates to be like the Parkland student activists who have called for gun control in the aftermath of the tragic shooting at their school earlier this year.

Fearless like students of Parkland, who refused to be silent about the epidemic of gun violence, bringing millions to their calls. Fearless like the women who say “Me Too” and “Time’s Up.” Women who cast light into dark places and move us to a more just and equal future.

Fearless like those who fight for the rights of immigrants who understand that our only hopeful future is one that embraces all who want to contribute.

Duke graduates, be fearless. Be the last people to accept things as they are, and the first people to stand up and change them for the better.

Cook’s commencement address stands in stark contrast to that of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, who told Bucknell University graduates in 2017 that he was concerned about the censoring and silencing of conservatives on college campuses.

“It is a real problem to have this silencing of conservative voices,” Zakaria said. “Michael Roth, the president of Wesleyan, points out that at this point you perhaps need an affirmative action program for conservatives to just be able to hear what they are saying. I doubt very much that conservatives would like that idea, but I think the spirit is one that is entirely right. We want to celebrate every kind of diversity these days, besides intellectual diversity.”


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