Entertainment Weekly Calls Sarah Palin's Channel 'American Horror Story'

Entertainment Weekly Calls Sarah Palin's Channel 'American Horror Story'

Entertainment Weekly delivers a dose of soft-left bias along with the standard Hollywood content. Sometimes the magazine wholly embraces its liberal slant. Consider how it let one film critic slam 2016: Obama’s America as racist–and much worse.

EW typically reserves its direct conservative bashing for The Bullseye, the magazine’s final page featuring a potpourri of pop culture snark.

This week’s issue fulfilled that mission.

The Bullseye featured a photograph of former Gov. Sarah Palin with this note:

“Sarah Palin launches her own online TV network. Unfortunately, the name American Horror Story was already taken.

EW, like most magazines, is suffering as consumers switch over to digital destinations. That’s likely why EW features so many covers devoted to flimsy teen fare like the Twilight series. The fact that a mean-spirited attack on Palin, with nary a similar assault on liberal figures, may alienate some readers doesn’t seem to concern the editors.


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