Nine Years On from 7/7 and We're Still in Thrall to Radical Islam

Nine Years On from 7/7 and We're Still in Thrall to Radical Islam

There are so many reasons cited for UKIP’s successes at the European Elections this month – none greater to my mind than that the British political establishment has continued with its “business as usual” attitude in the face of almost every major scandal or crisis since Profumo.

So it is therefore completely understandable that since the July 7th bombings in London in 2005, not a whole lot has changed about our approach to Islamism. Then, we had young boys and girls packing up their belongings to go and fight in the Middle East, for Britain. Nine years on we have more kids packing up to go and fight a jihad for some unheard of tribal leader claiming religious authority, and leading inhumane practices several thousand miles away.

If you think about how much irrationality and confusion it takes for a human being to ally him or herself with such barbarism, how much planning and effort it takes to join up to a foreign, terrorist organisation; then you have to wonder what we as a nation aren’t doing well enough in order to win these youngsters’ loyalties.

Ok, some of them will be religiously motivated, and it will have been drummed into their heads since birth that fealty is demanded by their deity. Some of them will also be inclined towards immorality, or straight-up evil. But for a large percentage of them, we’ve got to wonder what pushed them this far; what we’ve done wrong since 7/7 that has led to fewer people feeling allied to Britain than ever.

Guardian readers will tell you it is to do with “inclusivity” and government cuts to local recreational centres. But no climbing frames or skate parks are going to fill the deep void in our society that has been left by a failure to assert ideas, and a failure to react to how our establishment has failed. 

Even today, the spin doctors and civil servants are bustling around alongside our elected politicians, thinking about how they can desperately keep the lid on the breaking paedophilia scandal in Britain. They are not interested in the truth outing, they are interesting in the status quo. The position that UKIP occupies in Britain’s political system is the polar opposite of Islamist extremism, and a significant challenge to the present state of affairs. That is why so many are drawn to it.

But UKIP is scarcely going to appeal to the types of disenfranchised people we’re talking about. The blame lies squarely with the mainstream political parties who have been so pusillanimous in asserting a national British identity; who are more concerned with flying the rainbow flag than the United Kingdom’s one; who have committed to a state of managed decline for our nation and indeed those we are allied with. History and our children will loathe them for it, but not as much as they’ll loathe us for not doing something about it.

And while the conservatives and the right carry some culpability, the British left is particularly to blame, ensuring our identity as a nation has exponentially faded, and “outing” anyone who dares challenge what they perceive to be an anti-colonialist, post-empire, guilt-ridden cause. 

I, as you may already know, carry the title of “Islamophobe of the Year” for daring to challenge radical Islam on Britain’s university campuses via an organisation I launched in 2009; Student Rights.  

Over the years left-wing journalists, activists, and others have harassed and harangued me for standing up to extremists. Some Members of Parliament who joined our advisory board have even resigned due to pressure from organisations that are just a few connections away from the Muslim Brotherhood. More on that soon. 

But still, in order that they did not offend anyone, the likes of Tom Brake MP resigned his membership of the advisory board, and feigned outrage after being told we were “Islamophobes”.

Add people like this to the list of real baddies in our midst. The ones who aren’t evil, but allow evil to flourish. And so on 7/7, nine years on, I despair over the state of our political establishment, and wonder if in 2015, I will vote UKIP, or just spoil my ballot in order to send a message. Because right now, I honestly don’t know what else we can do.


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