Ed Schultz Coins New Term for GOP Concern Over POW Swap: 'Berghazi'

Ed Schultz Coins New Term for GOP Concern Over POW Swap: 'Berghazi'

MSNBC host Ed Schultz accused Republicans of using a Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s release as a political tool in an attempt to make President Barack Obama look bad, “an effort he dubbed “Berghazi.”

Schultz stated that the terrorists released to obtain the freedom of Bergdahl would not be a threat because they would be watched for a year. Schultz also dismissed Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) concerns by saying “there’s nothing American about Ted Cruz.” He then mocked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), stating “John McCain also, well, he had to jump in too, you see, because he’s a former POW,” and that McCain’s concerns were “spoken by a man who lost to President Obama in 2008.” He then derisively referred to Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) “the next hot thing on talk radio in America,” and concluded that concern over the swap is “typical Republican fear mongering.”

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