Top Ten Responses To Miliband’s Stone Tablet Gimmick

ed miliband tomb stone

Today Ed Miliband put his key campaign pledges on a stone tablet, sadly this did not get the intended response. Social media filled up with hundreds of new, and improved versions of the photo. 

Breitbart London thought we should bring you our top ten highlights of the day on Social Media…

10. Conservative Campaign HQ suggested some alternative pledges:


9. The Ten Commandments theme continued:


8. In various forms:

stone tablets

7. But Moses wasn’t the only character Ed was compared to. One bright spark thought his first budget might be like Barney Rubble’s academic efforts:

Barney Rubble Budget

6. Or that the stone tablets might be turned into another sort of rubble next week:


5. Or recyled in another way:

Stone Henge

4. But before then Ed could have written up what he will have to do in coalition:

Ask Nicola

3. Or perhaps he should use his new found stone masonry fame to take on a bigger project:

More impressive

2. Or one closer to his own heart:

karl marx

1. Because every political career ends in failure sooner or later:

ed miliband tomb stone


UPDATE: We have been asked to add this in, happy to oblige:


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