dwekh nawsha

Top State Official Uses Anti-Islamic State Event to Attack Trump Refugee Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The deputy secretary of State appeared to lambaste Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s proposals to erect a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border and ban refugees from terrorism-linked countries at an unlikely forum for partisan election politics. The event was titled, “Conference on Threats to Religious and Ethnic Minorities under ISIL” (Islamic State).

Donald Trump and Antony Blinken

Westerners Journey to Iraq and Join Christian Militia to Fight ISIS

When one hears a story of Western civilians heading to the Middle East to volunteer for combat duty, one thinks of the hideously successful ISIS recruiting drive. However, as Reuters reports, “a handful of idealistic Westerners are enlisting” with a Christian militia group called Dwekh Nawsha, “citing frustration their governments are not doing more to combat the ultra-radical Islamists or prevent the suffering of innocents.”

AP Photo/Vivian Salama