Exclusive–Homan: White House Has Thrown the ‘Third Border’ Wide Open
This is why Texas is resorting to razor wire barriers in its own defense and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas faced impeachment.

This is why Texas is resorting to razor wire barriers in its own defense and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas faced impeachment.
The agency I devoted my life to is under siege from within. The officers at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are patriotic and dedicated to enforcing America’s laws. Management in Washington, however, appears to be dedicated to gutting immigration enforcement. They may as well be on the path to remaking the agency as Immigration and Customs Evasion.
Secretary Mayorkas claims “our borders are not open.” It’s past time we start acting like it.
Of all the institutions in our society today, few have supported the normalization of illegal immigration as much as academia. How bad has it gotten? Schools are now soliciting donors to pay off cartels that traffic their students across the border.
The U.S. government isn’t ensuring the safe and orderly migration of desperate children in need of protection. Rather, it is aiding and abetting transnational criminal organizations by running the world’s most sophisticated and expensive child trafficking ring.