WATCH: Liberal Comedian Eric André Tries, Fails to Troll Breitbart News

Eric André fail (Joel Pollak / Breitbart News)
Joel Pollak / Breitbart News

Liberal comedian Eric André interrupted Breitbart News’ live coverage of the Republican National Convention Monday afternoon, stepping onto the set during a live broadcast in what was ultimately a failed attempt to troll Breitbart California editor Joel Pollak and senior investigative reporter Lee Stranahan.

Pollak and Stranahan were discussing the late founder Andrew Breitbart’s views on Donald Trump when André suddenly intruded on set, claiming to be from MySpace.

“I’m here cause I hate the Democrats. I hate the Dems so much I masturbate to the Zapruder film!” André said, speaking into two microphones simultaneously.

“So in other words, you masturbate for seven seconds, is that right?” Stranahan asked the leftist comedian.

Pollak gamely engaged André in a discussion of the comedian’s hat, which read, “Make Santa White Again.”

“I’m sick of black Santa Claus. Last time I checked, Santa’s white,” André said. “And if we allow this war on Christmas to continue, with black Santa, Latin Santa, Chinese Santa, then we might as well have ISIS running the White House.”

“Y’know Brexit? I take Brexit when I’m constipated,” the actor continued, laughing at his own jokes.

“I think this is the reason why you don’t drink before you go on the air,” Pollak quipped, unfazed by the interruption.

Stranahan wasn’t as forgiving.

“You’re still working on your material, right?” Stranahan asked André. “This is like one of those things where you’re trying new material out and then you’re just gonna see what works later?”

“You know they had a Tupac hologram at Coachella?” André plowed on in an attempt at another joke. “I heard they’re gonna have Ronald Reagan’s corpse dance onstage at the end of the RNC. That’s a rumor going around.”

“There’s four years between conventions, it took you four years to come up with that?” Pollak countered.

It was at that point that Stranahan realized that André’s jokes were written down on the clipboard he had carried with him.

“It’s actually in screenplay format,” Stranahan said, urging the comedian to show his clipboard to the camera.

André quickly realized his attempt at trolling Breitbart was going nowhere, and so he finally stood up and just walked away.

“I think he confused us for National Review, who would be crying now,” Stranahan joked.

Watch the complete clip of the troll fail above.

Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum


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