Cruz: Biden White House, Democrats Are Pro-China Because Major Supporters Are ‘in Bed with China’

Thursday on FBN’s “Mornings with Maria,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered his theory of why President Joe Biden and his administration have been lenient on China.

Cruz told host Maria Bartiromo it was because Biden’s “major supporters” were “in bed with China.”

Partial transcript as follows:

BARTIROMO: So, Senator, little by little we are getting the Chinese Communist Party further entrenched in the economy, in their goal to overtake the United States as the number one superpower. Now, we’re worried about the dollar losing its number one status as the global currency of the world. And there is a scoop from POLITICO this morning. Daniel Lippman is tweeting that the White House Senior Advisor Anita Dunn urged outside Democrat surrogates to use TikTok to promote Biden’s State of the Union address, right as her old firm, which is SKDK where she was founding partner, was getting hired by TikTok to help prevent a ban by the Biden Administration and Congress.

So, what is going on here? They say they’re going to do one thing, but are they actually enabling Communist China to overtake the United States?

CRUZ: Tragically, the answer to that is yes. Everything you just said there is right. And what is happening, this is all the fault of Joe Biden and the Biden White House, and there are two things that are interrelated, that are happening there. Number one, as a matter of Biden foreign policy, we’ve seen two and a half years of undermining our friends and allies, Brazil. Brazil, we had Bolsonaro, a leader of the largest country in Latin America, who wanted to be friends with America, who was embracing America. And what did Biden do? He came in and he undermined Bolsonaro, tore him down, because he didn’t like him, because Bolsonaro was friendly with Trump. And what did he do? Biden helped bring Lula, a left-wing Marxist who hate – hates America, back in control of Brazil.

The same thing happened in Colombia. The same thing – Biden right now is trying to do the same thing in Israel. He is trying to do everything he can to topple Benjamin Netanyahu. He is undermining all of our enemies. And he is trying to drive nations to leftist, which is what has happened in Brazil, what’s happened in Colombia. Joe Biden has been great for enemies of America.

And then, you put China in particular. China is waging a 1,000-year war–


CRUZ: –against the United States. They want economic dominance.


CRUZ: They want Military dominance. They want global dominance. At the southern border, Chinese fentanyl is–


CRUZ: –being sent to the cartels. We had 100,000 overdoses last year, the most in history.


CRUZ: China is systematically waging this war. And I’ll tell you, the Biden White House and the Democrat Party is structurally pro-China because all of their major supporters are in bed with China.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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