President Sarah Palin

McCain Palin 2008

Today, with the help of Big Hollywood’s Leigh Scott, I begin my tribute series to Governor Sarah Palin.

Scott Leigh, a horror film-maker reminiscent of my not-always-so-hard-times spent with Larry Cohen, had this to say about what the Left fears about Sarah Palin:

What they fear is that Palin would actually stick to fiscally conservative principles. She would reform the tax laws to make them fair and rational. She would clip the influence of labor unions. She would end the unholy alliance of Big Government and Big Business. She may actually extend women’s rights to choose to include how they spend their money, where they send their kids to school, and what caliber handgun they want to buy.

In short, Sarah Palin is the essence of American identity: individual freedom married to individual responsibility and, dare I say, the sacredly unique individuality vested within all of us upon conception, an American signature more indelible than that of John Hancock.

In light of the Liberally Dark Warnings about conservative homophobia, Sarah’s appearance on Greg Gutfeld’s increasingly irresistible RED EYE is de rigueur.

Right now, and unless I’m informed otherwise, the adorable Mike Huckabee is therefore “one-up” on Sarah.

Why am I not writing a series entitled President Mike Huckabee?

Sorry, Governor, but ya just can’t have babies!

There’s the nice rub … Sarah is a woman who’s almost more Catholic than the Pope, that Prince of Rome who, rather like Mike Huckabee, cannot have babies.

Giving birth, you know, is, to put such a thing into a timely context, the ultimate Olympic experience!

The Agony and the Ecstasy!!

No, I wasn’t present at the birth of my son Matthew because he was delivered by Cesarean.

Hmmm … that may account for some of his Cesarean attitudes toward me.

Sarah, mother of five and bearing the brunt of Progressively Democrat and some Republican sadism, has, indeed, seen the ultimate agonies and the ecstasies of life.

And said to them, “Bring it on!!”

That’s not only my idea of a great leader but Big Mamma herself!!


No, I’m not genetically Italian, but I have been adopted by the most infinitely Italian mother possible. She’s a diminutive Anna Magnani living in Luciano Pavarotti’s home town of Modena.

Don’t mess with her … if you know what I mean.

Don’t mess with Sarah!

That’s the message we wish to send to Red Islam, that disgusting combination of World Communism and Islamic Jihads.

It is my contention that when women become King in the democratic household it is because the English-speaking people are preparing for war.

Check Queen Elizabeth I and how she dealt with Spain!!

Henry VIII was not her father for nothing.

The children of Victoria, in a way, fought not one but two World Wars.

Sir Winston Churchill was unquestionably a Victorian and the child of his American mother Jennie Jerome.

What do great men fight and die to protect?

Their women and children!!

That is Victorian greatness.

English-speaking freedom, ladies and gentlemen, endures no dictatorships of any kind, and the American hybrid of that, Abraham Lincoln’s United States, is in a virtual Civil War with the new version of Red Islam called Progressivism.

Progressives are those pro-abortionists who wrap the veil of women’s rights around legalized murder.

They’re false prophets wrapped in sheep’s clothing.

Cunning serpents.

Since they’ve been getting away with that act for the 36 years of Roe v. Wade, it was obviously time for President Barack Obama of Harvard to show up with his very Kissingeresque long term plans for a Communist Jihadist’s version of a New World Order.

Our only complete and infinitely enduring antidote would be President Sarah Palin.

Oh, by the way, England could do well to give to President Sarah Palin the gift of Mr. Daniel Hannan as Prime Minister, in the same way we gave to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher our previous savior of individual freedom, President Ronald Reagan.

Prime Minister Daniel Hannan and President Sarah Palin would indeed be the King and Queen of the entire English-speaking world.

That Royalty is more than enough to stop the Progressive Red Islam dead in its tracks and send that apocalyptic nightmare back to the hell from which it came.

The Truth shall set you free, scare the hell out of you and put you back into the agony and ecstasy found within ALL of God’s Children.


Oh, the recent, very Jihadist-like, kamikaze flight into the federal building in Austin, Texas?

Read the alleged suicide note if you want to know most of what there is that you must know about suicidal fate of Red Islam or the dark underbelly of the Progressive New World Order Movement.

Who could handle such Jim Jones insanity best?

President Palin and Prime Minister Hannan!


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