Bishop Aubrey Shines: Trump Trans Military Policy Rightly Reversed Obama’s ‘Monstrosity’ of a Policy


Evangelical Bishop Aubrey Shines says President Donald Trump’s policy barring transgender people from the U.S. armed forces was a necessary reversal of Obama’s “enforced monstrosity,” was not bigoted or controversial, and was the correct decision in terms of cost effectiveness and combat readiness.

Speaking in an exclusive Breitbart News video from his Tampa Florida-based Glory to Glory Church, Bishop Shines said: “Issue number one is the cost.”

Indeed, a 2016 RAND Corporation study revealed, as Breitbart News’ Joel Pollak notes, “health care costs of transgenders who choose to undergo gender transition treatment in the military would be some 14 times higher than the average health care costs of service members in general.”

The second glaring issue with transgender military members, Bishop Shines says, is “the effectiveness of our troops.”

“Transgenders would miss almost an entire year of duty, making them irrelevant for military readiness,” says Bishop Shines, whose father served in the Korean War and whose son currently serves the U.S armed forces. “Is this discriminatory? Well, absolutely it is. Out military intentionally, and justifiably by the way, does so. Obesity, various diseases, even one being flatfooted are grounds for disqualification.”Bishop Shines blasts the “borderline insane” assertion that transgender Americans being barred from military service is comparable to black Americans who suffered civil rights violations.

Bishop Shines blasts the “borderline insane” assertion that transgender Americans being barred from military service is comparable to black Americans who suffered civil rights violations.

“Blacks were uprooted from the continent of Africa, a place of their origin. To date, there is zero evidence of any archaeological findings that those that chose to change their identity have ever been able to identify anywhere on this planet a geographical area where they can even through DNA testing claim as their ancestral birthplace,” Bishop Shines says.

“Black were sold into slavery. Transgenders have never been sold into slavery. Black genitals were non-surgically removed. Transgenders chose to surgically remove theirs,” Bishop Shines says. “Blacks were denied education. Transgenders have never been denied education. Black were denied water from public fountains. Transgenders have never been denied such. Blacks were denied the right to vote. Transgender people have never been denied their voting rights.”

Bishops Shines says he pastors a very large dynamic of men and women who are military veterans and says “whites and blacks that crushed the barbaric practice of slavery are appalled that transgenders would compare their objectives to black civil rights. That is insanity.”

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