Current polls show a potential victory for Emmanuel Macron, but a new opinion poll shows his approval rating would be less than 50 per cent even if he wins Sunday.
The news opinion poll conducted by KANTAR Sofres-onepoint reveals that only 41 per cent of the French people have confidence in the globalist candidate. Even more revealing is that he is not even the most popular as he lags behind far-left former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon who polls at 44 per cent approval, Le Figaro reports.
Macron’s numbers have stagnated at the 41 per cent mark whilst his rival, anti-mass migration candidate Marine Le Pen, stands at 29 per cent, but is on the rise.
The figures also differ depending on which age group and income bracket are looked at. For retirees and wealthy business elites, Macron is more popular. For the unemployed and working class voters, Ms. Le Pen is much more popular.
Last week, the contrast between the two candidates on the issue of the working class vote was made clear when both visited a Whirlpool factory in Macron’s hometown of Amiens which faces closure. Le Pen made a surprise visit to the factory where workers cheered her. When Macron arrived hours later, he was heckled and booed as he tried to explain how globalisation, which was taking their jobs to Poland, was an “opportunity” for them.
In cities like Calais in the north of France, Le Pen also has resounding support amongst working class men and women who have found traditional industries gutted by globalisation and French labour laws.
The actual support for Macron and his policies could be far lower than 41 per cent according to a survey by Ipsos/Sopra Steria. The polling firms say that a large section of the voters who support Macron are only doing so because they want to oppose Ms. Le Pen rather than believe in the message of the globalist candidate.
According to the survey, his true support amongst the French people is only around 20 per cent. Macron is currently projected to win the election on Sunday 60 per cent to 40 per cent.
The 20 per cent figure is a significantly low level of confidence in a potential future president of France, though still above the historically low approval ratings of current President François Hollande who polls in the single digits.
Le Pen has called Macron the “heir” to Hollande due to his lack of tough policies in dealing with terrorism and his free-trade globalist economic position. If Macron’s polling numbers continue to slide, he could be the heir to Hollande’s unpopular polling numbers, as well.
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