What Was the Point Then? 2022 Immigration to Hit Record High Despite Brexit Clampdown Promise

NEW DELHI, INDIA - APRIL 22: Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks at a press conf
Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Despite Conservative Party talk of securing the border, 2022 is likely to see record immigration when compared to pre-Brexit Britain.

The United Kingdom is likely to see significantly more immigration this year than in the years before Brexit, with the government actively loosening the barriers to entry being largely credited for the rise.

This seismic rise is despite the fact that Britain’s Conservative Party administration had previously promised to use Brexit as a means of taking back control of the country’s borders, a promise that seems to have come to absolutely nothing as EU migrants are replaced by those coming from Africa and Asia.

According to research seen by The Telegraph, the number of immigrants in the country is expected to rise over pre-Brexit times thanks to the Conservative Party making it much easier to move to Britain.

Also contributing to the rise is the massive increase in migrants from outside the European Union coming to Britain, with the spike in numbers from Africa and Asia more than making up for the reduction of those from EU states living and working in the UK.

“Overall immigration will be greater than before Brexit because non-EU growth will be higher than the fall in EU migrants,” said Sunder Katwala, who heads up the British Future think tank reportedly responsible for the research in question.

“This year could be higher than any other year in recent British history,” the organisation head continued. “It has come about through active policy decisions by the Government to make immigration easier.”

Migrants from Nigeria, Ukraine and Hong Kong are all cited as being some of the main drivers of the high numbers expected this year, with India and Pakistan also representing other considerable sources of new arrivals.

The massive hike in migrant numbers represents a post-Brexit betrayal perpetrated by the Conservative Party, with many bigwigs within the group campaigning to leave the EU with the promise that the country would use its newfound independence to get immigration under control.

However, it appears that the opposite has happened post-Britain leaving the EU, with the country now struggling to deal with an ongoing channel migrant crisis while Conservative Party Tsars ease visa rules to allow more migrant workers to enter the country.

Even a longstanding Conservative election promise that net migration would be capped at 99,999 people a year has been totally abandoned, with Boris Johnson opting instead to flood the country with cheap labour using his newly relaxed work visa requirements.

Seemingly not satisfied with the seismic rise in migration already, Johnson also looks set to boost the number of individuals coming from India even further, hinting at the possibility of even more visas being given to tech workers from the country in the hopes of brokering a trade deal with the south Asian state.

“We have a massive shortage in the UK, not least in experts in IT and programmers,” the current Prime Minister reportedly said regarding the matter.

“We’re short to the tune of hundreds of thousands in our economy,” he continued. “We need to have a professional approach but it has to be controlled.”

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