The Missing Ingredient in Obama's Witches' Brew

I am not one who subscribes to the theory that Obama is creating crises in order to manipulate them. For one thing, Obama is not that smart. And more important, the theory is in the realm of the occult, impossible to prove. And if it’s impossible to prove it’s a diversion and a waste of time – especially when Obama serves up blatant debacles every day that are visible to the naked eye.

Here’s one that’s in the queue working its way to the front of the line now: Hezbollah and/or Hamas start a war with Israel. When you come to think of it, the timing couldn’t be better. The imaginary “peace process” has been sent to the hospice and the Arabs have been unable to gain an inch of Jewish ground. Normally, this in itself should create enough anger for Iran’s proxies to abandon restraint and lose their self-control. But when you add the chaos already in the background and Obama’s clear message that he’s still on the Arab side of the Israeli-Arab conflict, then you’ve created an opportunity that’s too good for Israel’s enemies in Gaza and Lebanon to pass up.

I predicted that the last two years of Obama’s first term would see his mistakes abroad eclipse our concerns about how he is screwing up at home. I’m off to good start. My fervent wish is that the Tea Party will notice, then broaden their myopic agenda to include the mess Obama is making of our “foreign entanglements.”


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